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Levels of Understanding
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   tomkaa. "Levels of Understanding: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp94046)". Oct 29, 2017.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I had lots of different amazing thoughts and feelings each time I took it, but this one stands out since I can remember it most clearly. I try to explain it here but it was 100x more real at the time, as anyone who has done it will know.

I saw the kind of “plane” that we’re on and our understanding of ourselves and the world, then it was as if the “camera” I was viewing this through got knocked off a side and fell down, so I saw everything else below it. What I saw was the layers of understanding that we get to. We might arrive at a level, and that can give rise to a new level because of your greater insight. This continues on and on and the levels kept going down, and as I fell it felt more and more intense and I saw and understood more and more as I fell through the levels. I knew that humans could never understand the nature of the universe because we're too closed off.

Then I kind of realised that I was doing this and I started to rise up again. When I got to the top and felt the rigidity of the regular human understanding of the world, it felt so small, so feeble, so unreal. As though as humans we can never truly understand because it is impossible for us to even imagine that there’s the deepest layers of understanding beyond even our deepest insights (I cannot grasp it either, but I understood that I cannot grasp it) (but really on this level I was still totally removed from the truth, as it’s impossible to know, you know?)

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94046
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 29, 2017Views: 977
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