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True Bliss
Citation:   Brandon. "True Bliss: An Experience with MDMA (exp94156)". May 24, 2020.

100 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
A while back, my friends and I had recently purchased some ecstasy tablets for a concert. Unfortunately, we found out that they contained no MDMA. These tablets contained caffeine, BZP, and TFMPP. It was considerably disappointing to unravel this fraudulency. Two weeks later, however, we got our hands on some molly (pure MDMA). I bought a half-gram and split it with my friends. I insufflated 100 mg and began to notice the onset of effects within 5-10 minutes.

The first effect that I noticed was a sudden increase in body temperature. Warmth was rushing up and down my body, but it was not uncomfortable. I was not sweating and did not feel any discomfort at all. My stomach felt amazing! The increase in oxytocin levels became apparent when I felt like I just hugged someone I love. It was that warm, loving feeling you get in your stomach after a compassionate hug. It was beautiful! Minutes later, I started to feel the physical and mental stimulation.

Suddenly, I felt as though I could do anything. My self-confidence was through the roof. I had enough physical energy to run a marathon, but never felt any increase in heart rate. I was mentally relaxed, but physically stimulated. Euphoria was the next effect that I began to feel. It was a magical experience! Imagine the most uplifting and positive thoughts constantly running through your head. To quote Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange, “Oh bliss! Bliss and heaven! Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh. It was like a bird of rarest-spun heaven metal or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now. As I slooshied, I knew such lovely pictures!” It was like viewing the world from the most positive and loving perspective. It was the happiest I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

I also noticed an increased willingness to communicate with others. This was most surprising. I usually hate conversing due to my stutter. My stutter was completely eliminated. I have never spoken so fluently before. Movement felt so good! Dancing was the most pleasuerable rush of joy and exuberance. I loved everybody around me and felt a sense of closeness to them. All I could think about was how badly I wanted to hug everyone.

Taking MDMA was one of the greatest decisions of my life.
Taking MDMA was one of the greatest decisions of my life.
I had no hangover or after effects. If anything, I am still experiencing the positive afterglow of it. MDMA introduced me to the world through a much-enhanced light. It revealed how beautiful the world is capable of being.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94156
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 24, 2020Views: 864
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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