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A Nice Morning....
Citation:   Heart of Iron. "A Nice Morning....: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp94166)". Aug 24, 2018.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 7.5 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:40 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 1:55 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I've been suffering from severe disc hernation in both my cervical and lumbar spine due to being run over by a drunk driver in 2007 then being struck by a truck in 2010. So if you see me crossing the street DO NOT walk next to me! lol

Any way, I have been prescribed 7.5 mg of Percocet, 6 times a day as needed for pain. I also underwent two back surgeries in a 24 hour period in the summer of I've been in awful pain and taking Percocet for quite some time. On this particular day my pain was at about 9.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm a stay at home dad, and on this day my kids were both at school and my wife was at work. I figured this would be a good day to try to not only reduce my pain, but get a bit buzzed as well!

8:30 AM..took two 7.5 mg Percs cut in half, then had a sandwich.

8:55 AM..feeling the warmth that I normally feel at the onset of the meds. Pain slowly begins to fade.

9:15 AM..decide to take another 7.5 MG Perc. I chew this one and wash it down with some water.

9:30 AM..Feeling a slight euphoric rush, a nice sense of 'well being' and even more warmth.

9:45 AM..sitting on the couch, sipping chamomile tea and really enjoying a tv program about repairing the golden gate bridge.

10:05 AM..craving a cigarette, but I'm not a smoker, get up to get a pack of my wife's smokes, feeling a bit heavy and really have to concentrate to I'm walking in a pool of water.

10:10 AM..light up a smoke, really enjoyed the head rush that I got from it since I'm not a smoker.

10:15 AM...the cigarette seemed to intensify the euphoria, I feel 'comfortably numb' as I sink back into my favorite couch.

10:20 AM..I decide to put a Duraflame log into the fire place, grab my IPod and listen to some tunes.

10:25 AM...have another smoke, sit in my reclining couch withe the massage & heat on and begin listening to Scenes From A Memory by Dream Theater.

10:30 AM..I think I'm at the peak of the effects, the music sounds so good and I find myself getting lost in the storyline of this concept album. Body is numb & warm with a little bit if itching on my abdomen and chest. It feels really good to lightly scratch the itchiness. I feel very relaxed and content, petting my dog who is lying next to me is very enjoyable. He is normally not permitted on the couch, but since I'm enjoying myself I figured he should too.

11:25 AM..The album is nearing the end and find myself drifting in and out of a sleepy dream state, but I also feel I'm coming down.

11:45 AM..My back pain is starting to come back and I don't feel quite as euphoric as before, but I am still very relaxed and mellow. A feeling of contentment.

12:10 PM..euphoria is gone, overshadowed by the back pain.

12:30 PM..effects are gone, pain is back, but It's OK.

I had never tried Oxycodone for recreational purposes. That's not to say I've never caught a buzz from it...just this time it was intentional. It was overall a pleasant experience and I would definitely do it again. No loss of control, no crappy hangover feeling, just a nice peaceful feeling that made for a very pleasant morning/early afternoon. Next time a may take four! I think taking two, eating, then chewing another helped keep the buzz going. Next time I may add .25 mg of Xanax to the mix.........

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94166
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Aug 24, 2018Views: 1,104
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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