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Dosage is the key to a good time
Citation:   Big Bird. "Dosage is the key to a good time: An Experience with GHB (exp9418)". Oct 25, 2001.

  oral GHB (liquid)
My first experiences with GHB were not so pleasant. I either didn't take enough or I took too much. I found when the optimal dose is administered, the effects are enlightening. I dont know how many mg. of GHB I take, but My source dilutes the GHB in water to an extent that 2 oz. capful is optimal. Too much and I get cross eyed and sick. Too little and I don't notice it. The difference between too much and too little can be as small as 1/4 oz of diluted GHB! The moral of the story is to know your tolerance and limits. Start off with a small amount and gradually increase dosage until you reach the desired effect. I have seen friends take too much and piss their pants. I usually just fall into an unarousable sleep for a couple hours if I take too much. I also get the shakes when I take a good dose. What causes this??? Weird effect on nervous system. When I take the right amount I feel like a very clean drunken feeling.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9418
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2001Views: 17,075
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GHB (25) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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