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Intensifies Hypnagogic Imagery
Rhodiola rosea
Citation:   Batman. "Intensifies Hypnagogic Imagery: An Experience with Rhodiola rosea (exp94248)". Jun 6, 2018.

  oral Rhodiola rosea (roots)
Rhodiola rosea: Intensifies hypnagogic imagery and decreases ability to wake up

My initial experience with Rhodiola rosea was in the form of a supplement of 300 mg root extract. I took it as closely to the directed use as possible (1 gelcap 30 minutes before a meal in the morning). I don't recall noticing any obvious benefit to having supplemented with this extract for about a month, or any effects period for that matter.

I later became curious again after reading a number of scientific articles about it, so I purchased it as a whole root powder. Generally, I took it as follows: (1-2) capsules, partially filled, in the morning, and (0-1) capsules in the evening. On a few occasions when I didn't have empty capsules available, I drank it with cold water. It has an earthly flavor and an unpleasant texture.

My assessment of the effects which I feel are unambiguous are as follows:

Rhodiola has a tendency to increase the complexity and intensity of hypnagogic phenomena, specifically imagery. This (1) does not occur every time that I use Rhodiola, and (2) can occur even if I only ingest Rhodiola in the morning.

Before falling asleep, I usually experience hypnagogic imagery at least briefly before falling asleep. The imagery ranges from undefined aggregations of moving color (usually purple) to more bizarre and defined objects and scenes, which are usually confined to the center of my internal visual field. I rarely remember specific images (off the top of my head, I can only bring a few to mind). I do, however, have a vivid memory (relative to other hypnagogic experiences) of a visual that occurred on a day that I had taken Rhodiola. Two facts about the visuals make it distinct from my ordinary experiences in the realm of hypnagogia. First of all, the visual was extended further into the peripheral areas of my vision than usual. Secondly, the image was sustained for an increased period of time. I remember a background of color, and in front of the color was a contact lens. More contact lenses appeared while the patterns in the background become more complex. Often a scene, image, or object will present itself to me for a moment and then will change to a different image. This, however, was essentially one visual that grew more intricate and developed over time.

The second effect of Rhodiola that seems consistent (occurring more frequently than the effect on imagery) and pronounced is that it makes me more likely to sleep longer
it makes me more likely to sleep longer
and to lack the motivation to actually get out of bed when I do wake up. I can't say that altering the timing of ingestion affects it, although I haven't adjusted dosage and timing methodologically. I've never noticed it help me to fall asleep, regardless of the amount of time between administration and when I go to bed.

Due to the effect on waking and the lack of any apparent benefit (i.e., improved mood, increased resilience), I have not made powdered Rhodiola a plant that I used with any frequency. I generally use it somewhat randomly, when I don't anticipate needing to be awake at a certain time and when I have an interest in being entertained by the imagery. In the future, I would like to try consistently taking a measured and small amount of Rhodiola for at least a week, as well as trying a higher dose on a single day.

Exp Year: 2010-2011ExpID: 94248
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 6, 2018Views: 2,521
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Rhodiola rosea (352), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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