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We are Lucky Humans
Methoxetamine & Cannabis
Citation:   keldog09. "We are Lucky Humans: An Experience with Methoxetamine & Cannabis (exp94273)". Jan 8, 2012.

30 mg insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Being an experienced drug user, I was surprised I hadn’t heard of methoxetamine (MXE) until about a month ago. I’d done DXM quite a few times and greatly enjoyed it, so I decided to give it a try (especially after hearing of its opioid-like effects). To say the least I was pleasantly surprised at how much I ended up enjoying the experience.

I got home from a busy day of working and partying around 11:00 PM on Wednesday. Since I was feeling very down and stressed, I decided to do a 30 mg line of MXE. My nose stung a little, but it was barely noticeable since I had smoked some cannabis about an hour and half prior to snorting the MXE. After about five minutes I began to feel little “warning” signs as my body started to slowly numb and become heavy. Within thirty minutes I was in a full-blown dissociative state. I found the come up very sudden. It felt like one minute I was playing Facebook games and the next I had completely forgotten about what I was doing or what I was thinking about. I tried to finish up my game, but I felt so uncoordinated that I turned on some soft music so I could lie down, think, and watch the light effects from my disco ball in the dark.

My thoughts were extremely introspective and detailed. As I lay in my bed, I began to think about all the different people and places in my life and how I interacted with these things. The usual paranoia, fear, depression, and obsessions/compulsions caused by my PTSD/OCPD had simply vanished from my mind. I found myself talking to my Higher Power and thanking him profusely for being the person that I was. Even though talking felt quite strange (I wasn’t slurring my words but it felt like I was), I called up a friend and told him how happy I was to be alive, well, and human.

After our conversation had ended, I turned on a television show and attempted to watch it, but was really distracted by how distorted and out of proportion everything around me looked. I tried to stand up and walk around, but found myself too comfortable and numb to do so. I had no sensation inside my body and when I would to touch an object or myself it felt as though my hands were pumped with novocain. For a split second I contemplated the idea that I was dying but was more amused than anything else by the thought. The euphoria I was feeling was definitely worth it. I remember briefly rolling around in my blankets while uncontrollably giggling before I passed out from drowsiness around 3:30 AM.

The next day I awoke at 8:45 AM and still felt intoxicated. When I stood up from my bed I found it easy to walk, but I had a floating and out-of-body sensation as I did so. I was very precise in my movements and speech as well albeit it feeling like I was being sloppy or strange. I decided to listen to some music and wait for the come down (I had to work at 2:00 PM that day). It was enjoyable, but it had gotten to be 11:00 AM and I still felt high as hell. I smoked a bowl of cannabis to calm the effects, which helped, but I didn’t feel completely sober until around 4:00 PM or so. I was able to function and felt quite cheery despite feeling a little shaky. This made the total time of the experience around seventeen hours

MXE has become one of my favorites and I can’t wait for my second experience. I suggest going very small on your first dose though, as judging by the hangover effects I received I may have taken a bit too much for a first timer. Other than the hangover and some vertigo, I found MXE to be a mostly enjoyable, if not intense, experience.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94273
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 8, 2012Views: 20,938
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