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Massive Overdose with Hallucinations
Propranolol (Inderal LA)
Citation:   coddman. "Massive Overdose with Hallucinations: An Experience with Propranolol (Inderal LA) (exp94422)". Jan 19, 2012.

960 mg oral Pharms - Propranolol (capsule)
I am writing this report to document the effects that propranolol (in the form of the long-acting brand name Inderal LA, which contains twice the dose of a regular propranolol tablet but lasts twice as long) had on me.

I am prescribed this medication for anxiety at a dose of one 160mg tablet three times daily (which my doctor said is already a very high dose) but this day it wasn't working. So I decided to take three capsules, then another three capsules a few hours later.

The setting of this experience was alone in my apartment (which would play a huge role) and my mindset was one of anxiety.

After a few hours, this drug began to have a deliriant effect on me, similar to dimenhydrinate or diphenhydramine (two drugs I occasionally use to see 'real' hallucinations). I am no stranger to true-to-life hallucinations and delirium, however, this day I had taken NO drugs which I thought would cause these effects and I was NOT expecting to 'trip' at all.

So when I was standing in the bathroom and saw hands curl around the door, I thought someone was in my apartment and went to investigate. I discovered two 'robbers' were in my house playing games with me... hiding behind doors, etc. One was even inside my fridge, which of course is impossible, but this is what deliriants do, I guess.

The drug also began to have its prescribed effects on me, such as lowering my heart rate and blood pressure to very low levels, which caused me to fall over repeatedly, putting a huge gash in my head. I decided to call 911 after a few hours of these 'robbers' and their antics, I told them that there were home invaders in my house and that I needed help.

They were very professional when they arrived and, of course, saw nobody in my house, just me covered in blood and terrified. It was only after they searched my house for 10 minutes that I became aware I'd been hallucinating.

At the hospital, after putting the stitches in my head, the doctor told me that this is actually a possible effect from beta-blocker drugs due to the loss of blood to the brain.

I had to use a wheelchair at the hospital the entire time because I could not walk or even stand up without passing out.

It's worth noting that had there been a 'trip sitter' around to tell me that what I was seeing was not real, this probably would have been one of the best trips of my life! The hallucinations were identical to the ones I get on deliriants.

However, of course, if one is looking to 'trip,' a massive overdose of beta blocker drugs is just about the stupidest thing one could do. So, please, DON'T DO IT. The doctor told me people have died overdosing on this stuff.

Sorry for the poorly written report, but I felt this had to be said...

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94422
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jan 19, 2012Views: 35,440
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Pharms - Propranolol (72) : Medical Use (47), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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