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Oxi and Me
Citation:   Oxitainer Retainer. "Oxi and Me: An Experience with Oxiracetam (exp94452)". Oct 18, 2015.

1500 mg oral Smarts - Oxiracetam (liquid)
I ordered 10g of Oxiracetam from an online distributor and received it in a silver foil packet about four days later. The substance is crystalline and looks much like sugar. Dissolves instantly in water with very little taste or odor (Princess Bride anyone?).

The initial effects were incredible for me in particular. I have an understanding that this drug makes many people very sleepy at the onset. I felt like I was on Dexedrine without the body load. Everything came more easily. The boring activities of the computer did not interest me at all.

I cleaned my kitchen, living room, and did laundry all at the same time and was wired for several hours before simply getting sleepy. No crash, no bad thoughts, just sleepiness.

I must allow it to be known that my body processes any stimulant slightly different than other people. I've taken 120mg of Adderall with no ill effects (DO NOT do this. You'll die have a freakin' heart attack). I've dabbled in methamphetamine and cocaine as well. I am something of a stimulant guru.

Blood pressure did not rise, nor heart rate.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94452
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Oct 18, 2015Views: 5,294
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Smarts - Oxiracetam (565) : Glowing Experiences (4), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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