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Transcendental Dreaming
Amanita muscaria, Spearmint, Yerba Mate, Cannabis, Alprazolam & Meditation
Citation:   Bodi.S. "Transcendental Dreaming: An Experience with Amanita muscaria, Spearmint, Yerba Mate, Cannabis, Alprazolam & Meditation (exp94458)". Aug 7, 2018.

15 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (tea)
  1.5 tsp oral Spearmint (tea)
  1 tsp oral Yerba Mate (tea)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
  1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
This was an attempt at what shamans did in India long ago.

The mixture was of good quality Amanita Muscaria from a reputable source. A brew was made with ingredients to enhance the experience, not only substances found in northern India. The hot tea brew contained 30 grams of Muscaria mushrooms (stem to cap ratio of 3 to 1) which was grinded with a coffee grinder, 3 heaping teaspoons of spearmint/peppermint leaves, 2 teaspoons of roasted Maté, 6 cups of high mineral content Polish still mineral water and 3 teaspoons of sugar. Added ingredients were used to make the mixture taste tolerable and to increase the effective nature of the mushrooms. All ingredients were placed in a large pot and simmered for over 2 hours. Ingredients were then drained through cheesecloth and squeezed, leaving approximately 4 cups of liquid which was consumed by Shaman B and myself. Before drinking we said a prayer for the Gods, gave an offering of incense and began.

The 2 cups were consumed within 30 minutes and initial effects were felt within 45-80 minutes. Audio recordings told of severe nausea followed by a complete loss of pain. From 90 minutes on is where it became impossible for both Shaman B and I to communicate with each other along with the other 2 in the room. I thought I was speaking perfect English and when I later listened to the audio tapes, what I heard was as if I was speaking in tongues, which went on for an hour or so. Shaman B couldn’t participate in the experiment after 120 minutes. His last audible recording was, “I’m going inside to find the answer”, and then meditated for over 400 minutes. I decided to try and maintain, and continue with transmitting thoughts from above, but it proved almost implausible. I became cold and hot at the same time. Sweat was pouring from every gland in my body. The other 2 in the room had to get a bucket to catch the drool from my mouth and also Shaman B’s mouth. It was at this point (200 minutes in) I collected my urine for later use.

After 550 minutes the whole world was inside. All the toxins had escaped my body and now I was in the vortex, magic land, house of the gods, or whatever you want to call it. 700 minutes passed when I told the 2 in the room in a barely audible gibberish type language, “I must go with the Gods now, I am ok, I’ll be back, Be good people, Love all”, and then went to my bed and meditated/hallucinated for another half day.

It must be noted that both Shaman B and I drank water throughout the experience (when we could), used about 1 gram total of strong marijuana when needed for nausea or to curb the intense nature of the experience, and each took 3mg (total, @ 1mg intervals) of alprazolam (xanax) to reach some type of baseline.

This experiment was never repeated. I have had a multitude of ethnogens. I wish I had more introspective thoughts to share, but all I can really say is its good to be a human, I obtained a gift from the Gods in outerspace, and this gift cannot be explained, rather I do good by planting a seed (however small or large) in those I come into contact with and hope it grows well. Shaman B said only this when I asked him about the experience, “I am”.

Total effects lasted 27hrs and we came down for 3 days after.

Please Note: This type of mixture should only be used by practiced shamans, internal thinkers, those at one with themselves, or people who are seeking a profound and sometimes insanely introspective hellish trip. The mixture was an attempt to recreate what shamans were doing in northern India around 5,000 years ago, or so. Initially, the dosage was set high so that the 2 shamans (shaman B/ and myself) filter the toxins and then 2 participants would drink our urine, as they did in India. Sadly, the experiment was not completed for obvious reasons. Marijuana and Xanax were used only to heighten the experience, curb nausea, or bring ourselves back to reality. With much sincerity, it was needed badly.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94458
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Aug 7, 2018Views: 2,943
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70), Spearmint (410), Yerba Mate (282), Meditation (128) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Mystical Experiences (9), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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