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Lowered Anxiety Without Slowed Thinking
Chamomile, Passion Flower, Lavender, Catnip & Chocolate
Citation:   stickandpoke. "Lowered Anxiety Without Slowed Thinking: An Experience with Chamomile, Passion Flower, Lavender, Catnip & Chocolate (exp94505)". Feb 10, 2012.

  oral Various (tea)
    oral Chocolate  
I decided to pick up a tea that contained herbs which had sedative and anxiolytic properties & selected 'Traditional Medicinals - Easy Now'. Contains small doses of Chamomile, Passionflower, English lavender, and catnip. Intentions for consuming were to lower symptoms of Generalized Anxiety disorder.

Boiled water and added herbs - steeped for 15+ minutes. Drank black and drank all of it with the span of 10 minutes. Ate 3/4 of %55 cocoa dark chocolate ('Equal Exchange' fair trade), while sipping tea.
Mindset prior to ingestion was relatively neutral. Slept less than normal amount of hours (less than 6).

After ingestion was a significant calming.
Walked to campus and attended class.
Combination of sedative herb and prior sleepiness may have synergized as I felt quite tired during that lesson. Went home and napped of tiredness. Woke up feeling refreshed, not noticable side-effects; tea is sipped less than 4 times per day.

[Reported Dose: 'Chamomile 180mg Passionflower 180 english lavender flower 135 catnip 105mg rosemary leaf 105mg']

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94505
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 10, 2012Views: 13,699
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Chamomile (428), Passion Flower (121), Chocolate (182), Lavandula spp. (461), Catnip (68) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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