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Mystical Trek Thru Conciousness Poem
by Drew
Citation:   Drew. "Mystical Trek Thru Conciousness Poem: An Experience with DMT (exp94525)". Aug 9, 2017.

  vaporized DMT
It has been 2 years since this experience, and I have held on to it. It remains a constant in how I understand myself and the method of coming to understand and accept things in life in general.

I spent 4 months at a treatment center for addiction, the awareness I had from these experiences enabled me to understand the process of finding myself again and being me, and truly believeing in 'God'. The deer were with me throughout, anytime I had doubts, or faith, they were there to affirm me, and I'd say all of the deer in a 3 mile radius showed up for my departure. The deer (universe) had killed me with the DMT, now they were bringing me back. It is what I needed though. Some of us must die to learn.

Mystical Trek through Consciousness

I didn’t know
Then I did
The deer spoke
Then I was dead
Know nothing
Become everything
So complex, yet so simple
Something so divine
Cannot be just mental
This is beyond organic comprehension
This is naked truth
Naked love, judgment, honesty
I am, the universe
It probes me

What is that?
There is no me, just everything
I did not know what I was submitting to
The essence of everything
That same life that is in a tree
But I can compute
The tree cannot
We have this gift from above

It is so simple, yet so complex in its beauty
We must use it to do our duty
Accept our purpose
Experience our purpose
My whole life I have lived
To die this day
And be born again with this understanding
It left me

I was back, the perception of an infant
In an instant
Was it one moment?
Was it eternity?
Maybe both, everything, infinity
The grass in my hands for the first time
Just growing
Not knowing
Perfect in being the life it is
I look up
Into my own eyes, through another
We are each other

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94525
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Aug 9, 2017Views: 1,488
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DMT (18) : Poetry (43), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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