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Steady Enjoyable High
Morning Glory
by Xen
Citation:   Xen. "Steady Enjoyable High: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp94546)". May 31, 2013.

170 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I bought these seeds from an online headshop, so there was no worry about them being sprayed with chemicals.

My prior experiences with drugs are: Hashish / weed, cocaine, ecstasy pills, LSD & Psilocybin mushrooms.

Last meal eaten 4 hours prior to consumption of the seeds. I did the seeds on my own in my apartment and ate them at 17:00 on Saturday 21st January 2012.

I didn't have a coffee grinder or the like at hand, so I mixed the 170 morning glory seeds with some orange juice and blended it all together with a food processor. It took just a few minutes before the juice had turned light brown and the seeds had succesfully been mashed up. Downed the juice and waited.

I begin to feel slight nausea together with a physical and mental sensation that something is on it's way, something is happening. These sensations are of course egged on by the general feelings of excitement / anticipation / slight fear that always occur (at least they do for me) prior to taking a psychedelic experience.

Nausea has dissipated. The nausea never really amounted to much and veered off into a not unpleasant sensation of positive excitement, very much like the feeling you get when driving down a short hill at high speed in a car.
I am beginning to detect a noticeable lightness in body and mind. I sit down on my sofa and i get the sensation of mentally and physically gently floating through layer upon layer of soft cloud. It's very much like the onset of acid or mushrooms, but not quite as intense. At this point I get the feeling that it's going to be a good high.

I have now been for a walk which while not completely unpleasant, felt a bit awkward for my body. My legs felt very tired and if I stood still and looked up at the stars I felt in danger of loosing my balance, funnily enough this also occured when I found myself in a darkened area of the street where there were no streetlamps. I also notice how hungry I have become amd decide to prepare something when I get back.
On returning I feel that the walk and fresh air have altogehter strengthened the high. Remembering about food, I eat a banana and am hit by how it feels quite different than normal. Both the sensation of it as i chew and the taste is heightened, kind of feels like I'm eating with a new mouth I've never eaten with before and it's great fun.

Starting to peak now, but nothing too intense at all on account of the low dose. Eaten a nice meal of homemade curry and rice (taste sensation was amazing!) I decide to take a trip to the shop to buy cigarettes. Out on my bike and it feels amazing, I pretend I'm on a secret mission and that I must not be seen by the townsfolk. I can feel I have an abnormally large grin all over my face as I peddle happily along.
Inside the shop I get a bit of a funny look from the guy at the counter, but nothing big. I am able to conduct myself in a normal manner and succesfully get my cigs.
The bikeride back was amazing too, and I contemplate going on a longer bike ride. But end up just going back home anyway.

Back home I put on music (Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue) and relax. On my computer I'm looking at a picture of northern lights in a snowy landscape. I zoom in and in between and connecting the stars I see infinite patterns that form faces and arms and legs, all interwoven much like the Danish Jellinge style viking art. If I tried to focus to hard on one found form, it would disappear and more would form in my peripheal vision. This was very entertaining and very beautiful.

The remainder of the night (until around 3:30) I pass the time with drawing, which I never normally do and always considered myself a really terrible drawer! I discover a great way of drawing and am totlaly consumed by it.

The high started to slow down at around 01:30 and I just felt tired and a bit worn out a bit like after a session of smoking hash.

I get to sleep at around 3:30 with no problem.

All in all a nice experience. An extremely enjoyable, mild and controllable high. I never at any point in the evening felt like my thoughs /emotions were getting out of control. Absolutely zero paranoia, perhaps even the opposite I don't think I would have been completely out of place at small gathering of people who were maybe drinking / smoking weed. Though I did feel very comfortable just me in my apartment.

I would reccommend these seeds to anyone who is intersted in a good solid, controllable psychedelic experience. With a low doseage you will get a taste of the psychedelic world and what you can expect from things like acid and psilocybin, but just on a more controlled and less intense level. Just remember to take a low doseage first!

I could imagine a higher doseage being on par with an acid high. I look forward to trying these seeds again. But I think I'm gonna save them for summertime!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94546
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 31, 2013Views: 6,722
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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