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In Between Cocaine and MDMA
Citation:   anonymous. "In Between Cocaine and MDMA: An Experience with 4-MEC (exp94597)". Feb 5, 2012.

T+ 0:00
55 mg insufflated 4-Methylethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:25 50 mg insufflated 4-Methylethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:45 70 mg insufflated 4-Methylethcathinone (powder / crystals)
After reading online for quite some time about various cathinones/MDxx replacements, I decided to try my hand at 4-MEC after seeing a research chemical vendor offering it for an insanely low price.

So it was, I ordered 2 grams of the substance. My experience with research chemicals and drugs in general is growing to be pretty expansive. I've done mushrooms, LSD, ayahuasca, 2c-e, 2c-p, 25i-nbome, mxe, MDMA, DOC, a whole 'galaxy' of pharmaceuticals, methamphetamine, cocaine, and bk-MBDB, along with the usual marijuana smoking.

T+0:00 After ripping open the multilayered bags that contained the 4-MEC, I found a large bag of what looked like off white crystals. I now understood the vendors description of 'rice' 4-MEC, it did indeed look like rice.

I weighed out 55mg's for myself and 50mg's for a friend(T) who was partaking, and prepared to insufflate our small lines.

T+0:01 A lot of pain was noted upon snorting the 4-MEC, not as bad as a 2c but the drip did burn in my throat and cause me some pretty severe discomfort.

T+0:05 As I stand up to get a drink and possibly blow my nose from the pain, I'm hit with a strong euphoric rush I can only compare to snorting a 2C (before the initial wave of nausea). The hair on my arms is standing up, and I feel really good.

T+0:15 The euphoria is steady, it doesn't hit in a rolling effect like MDMA, instead it's just there. I've noticed a similar feeling on butylone, which is as I expect, characteristic of those distantly related research stimulants.

T+0:25 WOW. This stuff sure is moreish. I've never had a problem with addictive tendencies, and I've done methamphetamine once without wanting to do it again. But when I think of doing more 4-MEC, I'm almost overcome with a want.

Me and T cave in to our wants, and both snort another 50mg.

T0:30 The pain is still there and this stuff strangely smells like coconuts. T decides to keep doing bumps, but we have plans with 2 friends (D and S) to go to the store and hang out at my house, so I chose to wait until after I've driven.

T:1:00 Pretty much down now, the initial rush was definitely not present in the subsequent dose, but it still made the euphoria last longer. There wasn't much of a comedown other than a slight headache, and as T describes, a feeling of emptiness and wanting more.

T3:00 With our errands complete, we decide to invite D and S to join in on the 4-MEC, seeing as we have a lot to go around. I watch while they all dose and hesitate on doing another line.

T3:45 I set up a line for myself, this time opting to do 70 milligrams. The same pain on insufflating it is apparent again. I wonder if anyone else notices the coconut smell?

T3:50 Again, blasted by the euphoria. It's pretty strong, I prefer it to cocaine although I have a tendency to enjoy serotonin based euphoria's rather than dopaminergic, and I've read that this one has a lot of activity on serotonin while being relatively lackluster on the dopamine spectrum.

T:4:00 Me, S, and D are all sitting in my room. I have an AC unit in my room that I've cranked to full blast, and we all agree that the 4-MEC makes us feel hotter than usual.

T4:10 I could have mistaken this for a good dose of MDMA. Laying in my bed with a soft blanket, feeling my face on it and exclaiming how soft it is. I feel less elated that ecstasy, and my mood is a bit enhanced but overall not different. A definite mental fogginess is apparent; this isn't a working man's stimulant, no doubt.

T4:30 Body symptoms of being high are nonexistent; pulse normal, a little sweaty, but my pupils are of normal size and I don't really appear to be high. I do, however, still feel intoxicated; on a whim I grab my guitar and start playing the Grateful Dead for my friends.

T5:00 T and D have been trying and failing to find any amount of marijuana to smoke, while I've remained pretty content with my state. This time, while coming down, I don't feel any particular want to redose.

T6:00 Other than a little residual stimulation, I am fully sober. interestingly, my pupils have waited until this point to dilate, and have become rather large.

Final notes:

This is a very interesting drug. Although I've never done mephedrone, I feel like this one is very addictive and euphoric like it's cousin (or brother, since molecularly they are incredibly similar).

As it's been said before, I find this to be somewhere in between MDMA and cocaine. It is also incredibly compulsive, and I can see that unless one were to be very careful, an addiction could form overnight.

Although I do still prefer butylone to this, it's not so much as what 4-MEC lacks, than what butylone has. Although butylone has more side effects, in my opinion, it's closer (and possibly surpasses) MDMA in positives.

4-MEC is also much less emotional, with me and my friends appearing to be on a dissociative for the first 15 minutes after snorting it. I found only after redosing do the emotional effects come into play, but perhaps I didn't dose enough to cause a significant effect based on serotonin.

If you have doubts on your ability to control redosing, maybe entrust the bag to a friend after you've done the desired amount (;

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 5, 2012Views: 25,907
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4-Methylethcathinone (544) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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