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From a Roll to a Hole
Methoxetamine & Various
Citation:   Rob J. "From a Roll to a Hole: An Experience with Methoxetamine & Various (exp94698)". Jul 27, 2012.

T+ 0:00
  T+ 5:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 5:00   insufflated Nitrous Oxide  
  T+ 5:00 1 line insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:20 1 line insufflated Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
I am choosing to write about my MXE adventure not because it was 'great' in any sense of the word, but because it was an entirely new experience, and therefore memorable.

I have only done 2cb and 2ci a few times, and that is the extent of my psychedelic use. I am very open to try more because from these two I am compelled to dive deeper into the psychedelic world. Point being, tripping is very appealing to me, and I know the feeling. I know what a roll is like, MDMA is my favorite drug. I have never taken a dissociative before, so I was completely unprepared for MXE.

It was about 4am and I am with three of my dearest friends in the world. I will call them K, J, and C. We are all very close. We all rolled about 5 hours previously and were all coming down when we got to K's condo. We had good music, plenty of beers, and a 10lb nitrous tank. K pulls out a bag of the MXE once we all get comfortable. There was laser lights on the walls and blacklights all around so the whole place had a chill kind of club feel to it. J immediately decided he was going to pass on the MXE and strictly drink.

K puts a nice amount of MXE on the table in front of us and divides it into 3 equal lines. K, C, and myself each sniff a line. Can't remember the exact amount but it was very clean and painless (maybe the Nitrous numbed it I don't know.) After that I decided to forget I had just sniffed a whole bunch of MXE and decided to grab a beer and talk to C about her roll, as it was her first time. We were all talking about how great a night it was. At this point I remember having a very nice body high and feeling like I was in for a ride. Sort of that feeling you get when you try a new psychedelic and you have no idea what's coming you just know SOMETHING is coming.

Maybe 20 minutes after sniffing the first line, K, C, and myself each sniff another line of maybe the same amount. I take mine and then lay directly on the floor and start playing some music off my ipod. I was enjoying the music when I became very interested in the laser lights moving about the ceiling. No one is talking at this point. I was thinking of changing the song but it became too confusing and difficult to remember how to use my ipod so I gave up. I watched the ceiling and started feeling myself drift away through space. The four of us in the apartment were the only beings that existed in the universe and could not be alive without each other. I started thinking of myself in a third person perspective, asking questions out loud to no one in particular about where I was and if I enjoyed our night rolling. At this point I couldn't remember the night we all had just a few hours ago. All I remembered was talking to and having a beer with two girls at the nightclub we went to. It seemed like lifetimes ago that I met them, and they came into my life only for the sole
purpose of being ghosts in my mind now.

J started talking about his roll at this point and I remember looking at his face and wanting to apologize for sucking him and into the world of drugs. He said he didn't care and that he was happy he tried X but I pushed the idea that drugs have re-wired his brain and made him a completely different person to say such things. He grabbed me another beer which motivated me to stand up and let him know he was a good friend. He changed the music to some dubstep which rejuvenated my soul and led me to fill up a balloon and grab some glowsticks. I didn't know they were glowsticks they just grabbed my attention. I put on a light show for C and K who were on the couch just smiling and staring into some world I couldn't see. After I lost interest in that I sat indian style on the floor staring at the ceiling again thinking how nice it was floating through space. I felt the life energy of these people I was with. J asked me if I was ok and I started talking about being nothing but atoms and carbon molecules. I lost myself. I looked in the mirror and felt like a ghost who was looking at a past version
of himself. No one existed anymore. My mind was a vague memory and I started arguing with myself out loud about a person who was lost and now floated through space as dust. I kept thinking I had gone crazy.

I stopped talking out loud and continued to float around space looking for this person I used to be. K came over and started asking if I was OK and wanted to smoke a cigarette. Just who was K anyways? A cigarette? I smoke? Sure I smoke, like I drink beer. Thoughts are coming randomly and increasingly confusing with little to no meaning. We made it to the basement and smoked a cigarette. I could not focus my vision on anything. When we got back to the apartment J said he had to leave. At this point I discovered it was almost 7 in the morning but it meant nothing to me. The sunrise is what mattered. the sun ever going to come up again? Oh god. J left. C was already sleeping so me and K decided to get some sleep. I took the floor and he took the couch next to C. I saw my own life behind closed eyes as particles
clumping together endlessly to form the word 'Self.' I woke up at about 6pm and thought I was dreaming. Nothing felt real. I woke C and K up and we ordered a pizza. I was starving. I wasn't fully myself by any means at this point but I had a good enough grasp on reality to know I would be fine.

All in all it was a completely different experience. Weird, insightful a little, and definitely creepy. I was not ready for it. I don't think anyone is, you just have to do it to understand. Definitely one for the books though.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94698
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jul 27, 2012Views: 6,503
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Methoxetamine (527) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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