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The Headache Was Gone Within One Hour
Citation:   bluescat. "The Headache Was Gone Within One Hour: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp94710)". Dec 6, 2017.

  oral Mushrooms (capsule)
I would get migraines or cluster headaches that lasted 3-4 days about every 2 weeks. Being unemployed and having no health insurance, the imitrex my doctor prescribed was somewhat effective but too expensive. The side effects were rather unpleasant.

After watching a program on the NATGEO channel called ‘Drugs; psychedelics’ which featured a man about my age who used mushrooms for his headaches, I just had to try it. I have used them before, recreationally about once a year but had never heard of the migraine connection. I got them out of the freezer and minced them (one cap and stem large), putting them in capsules as I had observed on TV. This helped with the foul taste.

The headache was gone within one hour. It’s been over a month and no headaches. I did this at least 3 hours after a meal and drank lots of water. I get profuse watering of the mouth. Overall it’s a pleasant experience, best in a relaxed, quiet environment with soft music or nature sounds.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 58
Published: Dec 6, 2017Views: 2,431
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Mushrooms (39) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47)

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