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Space Cadet Who Slept Well
Promethazine & Codeine
Citation:   fiend. "Space Cadet Who Slept Well: An Experience with Promethazine & Codeine (exp94763)". Jan 26, 2018.

150 mg oral Codeine (liquid)
  93.75 mg oral Pharms - Promethazine (liquid)
Space Cadet

Acquired bottle of Codeine with Promethazine cough syrup from doctor for a cough.

0 mins Poured 2.5 ounces (5 tbsp) into small glass of sprite with ice. The dosage is 150mgs codeine and 93.75mgs promethazine.

30 mins---Drank about half, beginning to feel more relaxed.

60 mins --Finished drink feel drowsy, not noticeable euphoria. It takes me 30mgs of hydrocodone to feel a good buzz, and this cough syrup has a minimal amount of codeine.

90 mins--Feeling very stoned in a drowsy kind of way, but still am not feeling the effects of a decent opiate buzz.

120 mins-- Feel very stoned, but still not a lot of euphoria. I get startled by noises very easily. It is hard to focus on anything for very long, and I get a bit dizzy when I stand up.


The trip was fun and enjoyable, but not nearly as nice as hydro or oxy. Seemed like the syrup trend is a bit overhyped. I did get a great night of sleep the following night.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94763
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 26, 2018Views: 10,479
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Codeine (14), Pharms - Promethazine (336) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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