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Pleasant First Rendez Vous
Citation:   Tabubue. "Pleasant First Rendez Vous: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine (exp94829)". Sep 7, 2017.

T+ 0:00
20 pods   Poppies - Opium (daily)
  T+ 0:00 2 mg insufflated 4-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20 45 mg oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine (liquid)
  T+ 6:00 15 pods oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
My previous experiences: Alcohol, tobacco, weed, magic mashrooms, LSD, ecstasy pills, meth, mephedrone, 3,4-DMMC, 4-MeMABP, diazepam, opiates (codein, morphine, opium, poppy tea). I have to mention that I have opiate habit (2O poppies/daily).

I have ordered 1g of 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) from vendor which I trust to. I obtained grayish small crystals with weak citrus like odour. I measured aprox. 2 mg and snorted it as the allergy test. Even this small amount really burned hardly (as other users reported). No negative nor positive effects occurred within 20 min. So I measured 45 mg, dissolved it in 2 dl of water (it dissolved easily) and drunk it. No taste was observed.

T +0:00 I downed my coctail. I am a bit nervous because of ingesting new substance.
T +0:35 Nervousness is away and I am becoming pleasantly happy and calm. Planning to go out with friend. I feel my cheeks as being red, but when I look into mirror they have normal color and my pupils has normal size.
T +0:45 I am currently in great temper looking forward to meet my friend. I feel pleasant clear stimulation, before dose I was little tired after whole day in work. I can not say that I feel something like intensive high. It is in general pleasant feeling and feeling of good condition for going to downtown.

T +1:30 I feel really fine, I am chatty, but the flow of my mind is perfectly under my control. There is no need to force myself to shut up and to take control of my mouth. I do not feel any unpleasant physiological impact (body temp seems normal, no cotton mouth, heart rate seems to me normal). I can describe my body feeling relaxed rather then speedy.
T +2:30 Still chatty and having fine conversation. Sometimes I fell like the chatty nice mood is going down but it is possible to call it back when I concentrate (this reminds me of MDMA, where I can call rush back, when it goes down).
T +4:00 I feel fine, like being freshly woke up in the nice sunny morning (It is after 1 AM). Chatty 'need' is gone but I dont feel crashed (as it is for example after mephedrone). I am still mildly stimulated.

T +5:00 I feel still fine, definitely not like coming down. But it seems to me that sleeping will not be possible so I decided to prepare poppy tea.
T +6:00 I downed poppy tea (15 poppies - this is high dose! I have opiate tolerance built).
T +6:45 I start feel opiate effect, stimulation is being slowly suppressed, as I wanted. I have still very fine mood.

Summary: Low dose of 4-FA gave me pleasant controllable stimulation and chatty feeling. I felt like everything is ok. There were not present some strong amphetaminesque energy feelings. It little reminded me my first experience with meth, when I snorted very tiny line of meth.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94829
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Sep 7, 2017Views: 1,373
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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