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Super Strange Trip
Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   dude man bro. "Super Strange Trip: An Experience with Cannabis & Tobacco (exp94863)". Jan 11, 2022.

3/4 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  1/4 cig. smoked Tobacco (leaves)
I got some weed through my friend from a dealer. Dealer wasn’t the best one but had no choice. Where I live weed is about 16 bucks per gram. Me and two my friends we smoked a joint of pure weed 0,5 gram. We were at my place, while no one at home. My friends (at least one) are new into weed, they smoked pretty hardly and not very much, so I assume I smoked a half of joint or more.

It was in the kitchen. I didn’t felt anything at the beginning. I decided to take apart what left from a joint with a knife, before throwing it in trash. I took knife and sliced joint across. (I put a bit of tobacco between ‘filter’ and weed, so I don’t have to smoke till paper filter). When I sliced it with knife, brown and ashy tobacco went across the table… and my trip started. We where laughing and chillin, but I looked at a joint and it felt like I killed a thing. That dark and wet tobacco (cause I put joint leftover under water) seemed like muscles and veins all in blood stretched by that knife, and opened weed-paper was like if I tore apart its chest. It was like a funny joke, just fooling around you know. When I started, and I realized all that I written above only when I already cut that joint.

And here’s where the trippiest part started! I think what caused all of the next experience, was that I sometimes have a strange thing in the body, which doctors describes as normal, but I don’t think so. I sometimes (rarely) have my heart suddenly start beating extremely fast, almost for no reason (usually I’m a bit nervous before it starts, but more like a positive nervous). So my heart starts beating two or three times faster, and so hard that my body is shaking, so hard that I breathe differently because it is pressing on my lungs. It continues a few minutes and than suddenly switches back to normal. And what happened is that it started just when my trip started. Blood rushed thru veins at incredible speed, taking all the THC and cannabinoid through all my body. And we went to a living room.

Once I got to living room, the room shrank and stretched into perspective, all colors where bright, all was orange- orchid color dominant. Everything just kept falling on me (massive information and experience pieces.)
Everything just kept falling on me (massive information and experience pieces.)
My vision went like fish-eye (that skaters use for filming) my body my hands looked stretched. Every time I looked at something it felt like a new scene in a movie, or if I changed channels on TV rapidly. I was trying to tidy the place a bit, hide all the packages, and wires of headphones and laptop charger, that where lying on a couch, my grandmother would come at home in about an hour, she didn’t knew any one’s at home, and I couldn’t relax. But I couldn’t do anything I was trippin I was just walking in the room with some stuff in my hands. Finally I put it all some where and sat on a couch between my friends, they had a mild effect of that joint, that’s all. My friend was already playing GTA San Andreas on my laptop. And I was watching him. It was fucking trippy, and hilarious. The volume was high, and TV was on. And everyone was talking and laughing and joking. It was very very active and non relaxing, the right word would be fucking TRIPPY. But it wasn’t the trippiest part.

All went 5 times stronger when it took a laptop to play. When I was driving, in gta screen sides stretches and blur when on high speed, and so did the whole room we were in. But than started the frightening part – I started to feel all my body. When laughing I felt my chest as a heavy block of stone go up and than crash down with incredible force, on every laugh. And I felt how my chest vibrating while speaking. Than I felt every of my ribs on both sides , they were all moving separately between each other while I’m laughing, it felt like they were like when shuffling playing cards. Than when I was more giggling every rib felt like spaghetti having epilepsy, or dozens of snakes crawling inside of me, extremely intense.

Only at that point I understood that I might be having that heart bullshit again. I don’t actually know if it was happening or not, cause I couldn’t measure the timing of my heartbeat, I couldn’t understand rather I just feel it that way or it is in fact happening. I was worrying about a heart attack or something, as I do usually when it happens, considering that doctors said its normal for a teenager, so I laid down on an other bed. Tried relaxing, but was worried very much. I was trippin my balls off, but still all my physics – the body, and mental – like habits, where functioning, so I couldn’t ignore my friend, playing gta, asking me how to jump, or joking on the thing happening in the game. It was all in my mind only, so I started relaxing. While lying I was looking on my bag on the side of a bed, it seemed like everything was painted with paint. I’m a studying artist, very interested in what I do, so it was a very cool view. Than my heart got back to normal and that extreme trip was gently fading to a normal usual chill- buzz- funny- relaxing experience, that lasted for at least 4 hours more. Also in trip, with a side vision I have seen a silhouette of my grand mother sitting at the kitchen table, when I went there to drink some water, pretty frightening.

It is less than one tenth of what I experienced at that moment, that lasted for about five minutes I guess, of course it was hours for me. I have no idea was it all caused by heart, or maybe weed wasn’t right ( it was certainly weed, but ) maybe dipped in some psychoactive solution (made me feel like on LSD(never tried before though)) Maybe it was boosted with my a bit different, artist-like few of world. Or maybe it was just a normal weed trip, and I’m just not experienced, cause I also still new at it, and I had never even been truly drunk. But I personally have no doubt that that wasn’t normal, cause human can’t function fully normally in that trip, I mean can’t think properly. But there are lots of people who smoke weed every day and their just chillin.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94863
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 11, 2022Views: 475
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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