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Best Pickles Ever
Citation:   Papabear. "Best Pickles Ever: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp94901)". Jan 11, 2020.

  oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
Clonezepam and Me

I Have had for the past 2 months a bottle of .5 mg clonezepam. I have read nothing but good things (other than being very addicting :D). My first experience is a couple weeks ago at a rave that I was invited to, I got a call at like 9 on a sat. That there was a rave Uptown. I decided to take 3.5 mg right before I left on a whim and was kinda nervous. I drove around 5 min to meet my friends who were driving. I started to notice the euphoric effects around 30 to 45 min in and it was great. By the time we were in the rave I had had a cig outside (like Candy) and had trouble standing. Inside the dubstep beats kept me dancing the whole night and it felt like nothing else mattered. It was one of the best drug experiences I've had. It was still going strong at the coffee house we were at after and I spent the time burning the leg hair off my perfectly sculped calves lol.

My second experience I'm having now and have taken 3 mg

Just relaxing and decided to do a vault entry since I've used it so often. I'm currently 1.5 hrs in and am feeling dreamy and assured that everything is ok in my hectic life though not as euphoric yet. BTW my first experience is hazy in memory though I can remember the basic experience and lots of feelings that I had.

I am now cooking, having decided that I wanted some fried pickles
And am mixing the batter, sounds great right ;)

Very euphoric bumping into things without feeling like I'm off balance and slow reaction times.

I finished the pickles and theyre better than I've ever made, maybe the drug but still amazing going to lay down now.

Thanks everyone be safe and don't use it too often.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94901
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 11, 2020Views: 848
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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