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Methiopropamine, Methoxetamine & Ethylphenidate
Citation:   Novel Zephyr. "Explorations: An Experience with Methiopropamine, Methoxetamine & Ethylphenidate (exp94981)". Feb 23, 2012.

150 mg oral Methoxetamine (daily)
  60 mg   Ethylphenidate (daily)
    oral Methiopropamine (daily)
  200 ug oral Huperzine (daily)
  1500 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
  20 mg oral Pharms - Selegeline (daily)
Roughly seven months ago, shortly after ending three years of probation for defiant trespassing (on a college campus from which I had been banned due to charges of public intoxication), I began experimenting with research chemicals from online vendors. After several years of dealing with seemingly incompetent psychiatrists (who would make such brilliant suggestions as 800 mg/day of Seroquel to treat my incessant sleepiness, as well as try to convince me that DXM has no significant binding affinity for the NMDA receptor, but that it instead acts as an antihistamine), this felt like a godsend.

The only experimental drugs that I've tried over these last three seasons were MPA, MXE and ethylphenidate. Without either powerful stimulants or mild to moderate doses of dissociatives, I sleep roughly 18 hours per day; DXM seemed to treat this problem most effectively with minimal tolerance. However, after five years of using them, I've come to find DXM's OTC preparations' inactive ingredients unbearable; depending on several factors, they cause me mild to severe gastrointestinal discomfort (despite that for some mysterious reason they didn't cause these problems for the first year or two that I used them). As well, I hoped that MXE would offer DXM's dissociative benefits, but with a lesser degree of cognitive impairment.

My first order was for MPA, and my initial experiences with it were more thoroughly documented in another entry, which I wrote before trying MXE or ethylphenidate. In brief, MPA has been greatly effective at warding off the overwhelming physical exhaustion (in a dosage range of about 10 mg/day to 100 mg/day), which I otherwise experience after roughly six hours of being awake; however, it seems utterly useless for mental stimulation. If I intend to perform some rote procedure, have someone to offer instructions, or merely want to stay awake in an undemanding social setting, MPA works wonders; but it seems to provide no enhancement for many tasks, such as writing, that demand even small degrees of lateral thinking.

As well, after roughly a week of using it, and licking then drying off the razors with which I drew lines (such that no visible amount of MPA or saliva remained on them), I became troublingly well aware that microscopic amounts of it were causing the razors to rust thoroughly overnight. While this may well be superstitious given my merely mediocre knowledge of chemistry, the sight led me to suspect that MPA could cause an immense degree of oxidative stress in the body; and I have subsequently stuck with oral administration, as well as restricted my doses to a maximum of 40 mg/day, with an average of about 5 mg/day (foregoing its use altogether, on more days than not).

My second bout of experimentation was with MXE; I anticipated that a combination of MPA and MXE would offer effects similar to DXM, since MXE reportedly causes sedation, while my own experience proved DXM to be rather stimulating (even in moderately high doses, around the 500 mg range). However, first-hand experience and reactions of my friends suggest that MXE also exhibits stimulating effects, unless taken at extremely high doses (over 100 mg, administered orally, in users without any tolerance). Consequently, I have typically used either MPA or MXE on any given day, depending on how much I expect the day's events to demand creative thinking.

Unlike DXM however, MXE seems to impart a moderately high tolerance with frequent use. After about a year of daily using DXM, I needed roughly double the dose to achieve similar effects; in sharp contrast, after about two months of daily use, 250 mg/day of MXE (divided into 25 mg/dose, about once every 90 minutes) was necessary for induction of effects similar to what initially required 50 mg/day (divided into 5 mg/dose, about once every 90 minutes). Due to this abrupt acquisition of tolerance, I speculate that MXE would be much more appropriate to use on an infrequent basis (weekly, for spiritual or recreational purposes, I suppose), than for the daily intentions that I had.

Overall, the most therapeutic for constant use, seems to be ethylphenidate (which I'll hereafter abbreviate 'EPD'). Unlike MPA, EPD's benefits seem to require relatively frequent dosing (EPD's effects are practically gone within 3 to 4 hours, regardless of dose or tolerance, versus MPA's tendency to last about 6 to 18 hours, depending on dose and tolerance), and seem slightly poorer at warding off physical exhaustion; however, EPD seems distinctly capable among these three research chemicals of stimulating the mind, without MXE's tendency to induce rapid tolerance.

Over the course of about three months, I felt a need to raise my dose from roughly 10 mg, four or five times daily, to about 25 mg, four or five times daily, despite never going a day without using it. About six weeks ago, roughly six weeks after starting its use, I picked up the unfortunate habit of insufflating; despite that this occasionally causes nose bleeds, I have found weaning myself back, exclusively into oral use, rather challenging. While nasal administration likely increases bioavailability, I would highly recommend sticking with the oral route, to minimize the compulsion of its use.

Other drugs, with much less abrupt or noteworthy psychotropic effects, which I've been using over these last several months, include piracetam (about 1,500 mg/day), Huperzine A (200 mcg/day), PQQ ('pyrroloquinoline quinone', at 20 mg/day, though this hardly qualifies as a 'drug', per se), and selegiline (20 mg/day). I would love to elaborate on their nuanced influences of my condition; however, the subtleness and gradual nature of their effects make them difficult to distinguish from placebo, and attempting to do so would likely make this entry absurdly long. Regardless, though, I hope that this account proves useful to fellow psychonauts.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94981
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 23, 2012Views: 2,108
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Ethylphenidate (563), Methoxetamine (527), Methiopropamine (545) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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