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An Enchanting Experience
Citation:   astr1kx. "An Enchanting Experience: An Experience with 6-APB (exp95221)". Mar 13, 2012.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45 25 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 30 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
Note: Both people mentioned are small, average weight women, mid-late 20s. Neither of us had eaten in at least 6 hours. The author has a disrupted sleep pattern, having gotten >16 hours sleep in past 36 hours. The author also has moderate HPPD.

Previous drug experience for author: 2c-e, 2c-p, 2c-c, 2c-i, 5-MeO-MiPT, 5-MeO-DiPT, DMT, psilocybin, MDMA, amphetamine, methamphetamine.

Previous drug experience for author's friend: 2c-e, AMT, LSD, psilocybin, cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, MDMA, ketamine.

0:00 Friend and I each consume ~20 mg (first measured with a cheap scale, eyed-out after that) of 6-APB powder in capsules. Starting low to determine threshold.

0:15 Perception is slighty different. Friend feels slightly euphoric, while I do not.

0:45 We both consume another ~25 mg. Notice a very strong chemical smell/taste, despite it being in capsules.

0:50 Friend has alcoholic drink, I have Red Bull and water.

1:00 Music does not seem to be enhanced by substance, nor mood. It seems to just be a 'little extra something,' very mild. No tactile sensations. Things are sparkling in a way that reminds me of 2c-x substances, most distinctly 2c-c.

2:00 I make the decision to drive us home, because friend has to be awake early the next day. I've consumed no alcohol. Friend has consumed ~3 drinks. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Friend consumes another ~50 mg. Music seems to be slightly enhanced. No tactile sensations.

2:15 Friend describes what she is feeling as 'the strongest roll I've ever had in my life, if I didn't know for sure this wasn't MDMA, that's what I would think it is.' She mentions mild nausea, which could possibly be attributed to being in the car.

3:00 We return home. I consume ~30 mg.

4:00 Out of nowhere, I go from feeling almost nothing to the most incredibly loved-up sensation I can imagine. Tactile sensations are moderately euphoric. Eye-wiggles present. My heart is beating at a high rate, but not uncomfortably so. Exactly as my friend had described, I feel as if I have taken MDMA, plus the mild-to-moderate visuals. Only slight disturbance in thought patterns, which may be attributed to being extremely overtired.

6:30 Feel myself starting to come down. No crash. Very slight headache, slight gastrointestinal discomfort. No nausea.

7:30 Euphoria is completely gone. Slight visuals (less noticeable than before) remain; seems to be an enhancement of my pre-existing HPPD.

Friend feels very achy and nauseous, is unable to sleep.

8:00 Able to fall asleep quickly and comfortably.

12:00 Wake up. Very tired, visuals still lingering. No 'crash' feeling, no depression, no afterglow.

All in all, I am incredibly impressed by this substance. After reading other reports, I had not expected nearly such a pleasant experience. Very enjoyable entactogen, less stimulating than MDMA.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95221
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 13, 2012Views: 9,434
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6-APB (516) : Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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