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Nice Experience
by Bill
Citation:   Bill. "Nice Experience: An Experience with Kratom (exp95327)". Apr 25, 2018.

5 g oral Kratom
I did research online and wanted to try kratom so I orderd 25 grams of tai kratom.
T:00 I mixed 5 grams into some kool aid and started drinking it the taste is pretty disgusting but it was worth it.
T:15 I cant stop smiling and I definetly have a euphoria I was playing xbox live and talking to my friend and I was telling him I am very happy and cant stop smiling.
T:30 Now I have drank all the kratom and I feel numb all over the euphoria is still there and I am very relaxed.
T:45 Playing xbox is very fun but a little difficult because all you want to do is lay down. I start to feel a little nausea but I did not want to stop playing so I just sat through it.
T:3 hrs later the effects start to wear off I stoped feeling euphoria after an hour of drinking it. Still feel numb though and relaxed.
T: 5 hrs The efects are all gone and it was a great experience kratom is definetly something I am glad I tried,very fun and I didnt bother to buy anymore when I finished my 25 grams after two weeks so I dont think it is very addictive for me.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 95327
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 25, 2018Views: 1,143
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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