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Using Kava to Counter Marijuana Anxiety
Cannabis & Kava
Citation:   Chill. "Using Kava to Counter Marijuana Anxiety: An Experience with Cannabis & Kava (exp9536)". Jul 6, 2005.

4 drops oral Kava (liquid)
Just thought I'd share a nice experiment. As many do, I occasionally enjoy smoking Marijuana. However, as I've gotten older I've found that I experience more paranoia or other types of mental discomfort when smoking, which is sometimes OK, but not as the rule.

At to counter those negative effects, I tried to drink some alcohol before smoking. This usually decreased the paranoia, but often left me too wasted and often I'd have a hell of a hangover the next day (I generally don't like hurts too much).

So I started to look around for a better way to remove the anxiety related effects of Marijuana and leave the pleasant effects. I started to read about Kava Kava and figured since it is often used as an anti-anxiety medicine and is freely available it might work well.

It does the trick. About 3-4 droppers of the standardized Kava does the job nicely. Available at most any vitamin type place for about $10 for a bottle, the standardized version apparently adheres to a European law that requires standard strengh. Thus I suggest that one to insure consistency of effect.

The normal dose is one dropper 3 times a day. I even though I use 3-4 droppers at once before smoking, I wouldn't advise using more in a day. I've read that over-use can cause skin irritations.

I take the Kava about 30-45 minutes before smoking in a little juice, then fire up. It gives you such a nice buzz and you feel really just totally relaxed and pleasant. One subtle side effect is that you may really want to sleep about 3 hours after this, but you'll wake up refreshed and rested for sure! This is a great approach for folks like me who are occasional weekend type users and just like to relax with a smoke now and again.

The Kava is handy for general anxiety too...feel problem have some Kava alone and it'll help to calm your nerves.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2005Views: 26,927
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Cannabis (1), Kava (30) : Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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