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Mass Amount of Awe
4-HO-MET & Alcohol
Citation:   Munchman. "Mass Amount of Awe: An Experience with 4-HO-MET & Alcohol (exp95460)". Mar 24, 2013.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
    oral 4-HO-MET (powder / crystals)
Didn't really expect to take 4-HO-MET the night I did, but a good situation came up and I figured it would be a good time to try it.

I'm not exactly sure on the dosage, my scales a little iffy. It could have been anywhere between 18mg and 10mg. Well, here it goes.

9:30 PM: Arrive at house party. Meet up with a few people, enjoy a beer and a mixer. I mixed a gatorade with about tequila and vodka, enough to get me a bit more than just 'tipsy'.

11:15 PM: We leave the party, it's starting to get huge and might get busted soon. I originally drove to the party but passed off my keys to a friend who only smoked a little weed.

11:30 PM: Get back to friends place, figure why not test our 4-HO-MET. There's 4 of us, and since I was the one who bought it I figured I'd take the biggest dose measuered out. I hand them all 9-11mg pills, and I take the 14mg baggy (I ran out of pill caps, so I just poured it into a baggy with powdered suger). I down what's in the baggy, making sure I get it all by mixing it with water and drinking it. One of my friends takes a pill, and the other 2 wait to see what effects are shown first.

11:40 PM: I'm starting to feel it. Colors are starting to intensify and the ground appears to be 'bubbled'. I feel nausious and sit down.

11:45 PM: Oh boy. I think I might have overdosed. I start to freak out when it gets kind of heavy to breathe. I warn my friends of this, and I attempt to purge my system by puking unsuccessfully. I just want to go to bed and not be drunk/high anymore. I put on my music and hope for the best.

11:55 PM: It's only been 25 minutes? Holy hell. My friend who took the pill still isn't feeling anything, although he is a bit high from the weed.

12:05 AM: I'm starting to see a lot of visuals. I'm not nausious anymore at all. I tell my 3rd friend this and he takes his cap. We go on facebook and talk to a girl. I don't remember any of this, I'm too busy lying on the seemed-to-be comfortable cement floor, laughing my ass off at a can of peace tea.

12:1? AM: My friends start to feel the MET. We go into the bedroom, where my friend has a blacklight and glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. Woo-hoo!

12:20 AM: We convince my 4th friend to take his pill. The shapes of the stars can't keep a constant size. The blacklight is amazing. Regular light seeping into the room appears orange, beautiful.

12:40 AM: I am in complete and utter awe. I'm amazed at my body features. I've been laughing so hard and been in so much awe that tears have started to form. For some reason I rub them all around my face and exclaim about all the fluids falling out of my eyes. I feel my teeth and start making out with my fingers. The shirt I was wearing that was a size too small felt like it couldn't contain me. The plain white towel hangning on the door looked as though Yoshi was printed on it. I walked up to the Soviet flag hanging on the wall and entered the USSR, while my friends explored the galaxy.

12:50 AM: Effects still going strong. It feels like it's been days since I washed down the metocin. Parents are upstairs asleep, so we have to contain our laughter.

1:30 AM: Start feel tired, but how could I ever sleep on this awesome drug. I don't feel a bit drunk anymore.

2:30 AM: I'm starting to come down. I go to the bathroom, which has wooden panels for walls. In one of the knots, I see a dwarf with a long nose. He winks at me and I continue to piss. I look in the mirror and I look like starecat. My pupils are dilated beyond belief.

3:30 AM: Visuals are gone. Friends coming down, I'm left with a mental high feeling, like weed. Friends are down in a matter of minutes, we decide to go to bed.

4:00 AM: Can't sleep, so we talk a bit.

5:00 AM: Finally catch some sleep.

5:50 AM: Friend #4 (took it last) finally falls asleep.

11:00 AM: My God, I look like a train wreck. I slept in my contacts, eyes deprived of fluids and feel sticky. Don't know how I'll go home looking like this.

12:30 PM: Drive home, pupils are small now, eyes a bit better. Mom asks if I'm really hungover, I play it off all cool and just say I slept in my contacts. Whew.

1:30 PM: Still really tired. Go take a nap.

4:00 PM: Get up for a bit, well rested. Finish the day relaxing.

Well, that was the extent of my trip. Hopefully next time we'll do it during the day, and now I know not to mix tryptamines with alcohol. I regret doing that, feels like I could have had way more out of it. Next trip we'll do it in a light, relaxing room, maybe outside, and enjoy the trip to its full extent.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Mar 24, 2013Views: 7,465
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4-HO-MET (436), Alcohol (61) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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