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Needs to be Researched Further
Citation:   Birch. "Needs to be Researched Further: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp95635)". Apr 24, 2012.

10 mg   Methoxetamine
Hello all,

Just wanted to express my disappointment when I heard that this substance was starting to be banned across the globe.

I have used Methoxetamine in a controlled environment and would like to confirm, that with the right dosage, it can do wonders for my mental illness.

I am Manic-Depressive ('Bi-Polar Disorder'), and with this illness I became anxious around people, couldn't concentrate in school, depressed and couldn't get out of bed... The list goes on.

I was on Cymbalta, but still, things were hard. When Methoxeatamine, or MXE, came into my life - I began to soar!

My brain felt clear, I could read, write, draw, play, the way I used to as a child.
Honestly, this chemical needs to be brought into research. It's been a blessing on my life, and got me right where I've always wanted to be, happy, strong, confident, attentive, calm, and productive.

This chemical needs the right attention.

It needs the right respect as well.

I think it's becoming illegal because of the individuals that misused it, not because it's a dangerous thing, and I believe Methoxetamine has the power to change the medical world, and it could be used for very good purposes. I hope, so deeply, that the Government doesn't just 'shut it out'.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95635
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 24, 2012Views: 9,045
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Methoxetamine (527) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32)

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