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Why Did I Do This
Citation:   Muninn. "Why Did I Do This: An Experience with Tramadol (exp95703)". Nov 8, 2022.

100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
I have taken Tramadol before, but never more than one 50mg pill. I was desperate, so I took two on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I had a wicked toothache, and I know these do not usually help with toothaches, but it was the only painkiller I had in the house. My toothache would not allow me to lie down or even recline for that matter, and I needed to sleep. I had very little sleep the previous week, due to the toothache. I had tried everything to make it stop, and took my last Norco on Monday.

The first think I noticed was the dizziness and the normal high that comes with Tramadol, then it got weird. I noticed my shoulders were raised way up high and no matter how many times I lowered them they kept creeping back up. My joints felt loose, my mouth was very dry, and I felt confused. I started walking around my house just to get my legs moving and trying to relive my tooth pain. I eventually sat back down after getting water, and discovered that three hours had passed! It felt like 10 minutes. In that time, I managed to smoke a half a pack of cigarettes and I am typically a light smoker. My toothache finally subsided around hour 6, but it was still there. I could recline a bit and decided to try sleeping since I was nodding off anyways. 10 minutes later my tooth fired back on and I got up to use the bathroom. That went okay, and I made my way back to my room, almost forgetting which way to turn out of my bathroom.

I eventually passed out around hour 10 after the intense itching died down. I woke up Sunday afternoon around 2pm and had the worst hangover in history. My toothache was not there, but my head ached, I had light sensitivity and my mouth felt like the Sahara desert. My shoulders ached, and I had no desire to do anything but sit on the couch and vegetate for the whole day. I felt better by midnight and decided that Tramadol is not going in my system in that high of a dosage ever again, no matter the amount of pain. I decided to smoke some weed after years of not smoking until I can get into a dentist. Much better idea.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95703
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 8, 2022Views: 490
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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