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Tongue Swelled and Bled
Propylhexedrine & Sleep Deprivation
by 17
Citation:   17. "Tongue Swelled and Bled: An Experience with Propylhexedrine & Sleep Deprivation (exp95847)". Aug 21, 2016.

500 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine
In the morning after not sleeping the night before I swallowed 2 inhalers and went to school. I didnt feel anything for a few hours, then while I was in class my legs felt completely numb and I really wanted to move. Walking through the halls was weird. I still couldnt feel my legs. In gym I recall telling someone I couldnt feel my hair and asking if it was still there.

I was mostly quiet but laughed at random things. I told someone and they didnt believe I was on anything because I wasnt that different than I usually am. After that I dont remember anything until about 5 when I was just chilling on my bed. Someone told me later that my girlfriend had broke up with me that day.

After my experience I forgot to eat for about a day and the veins in my tongue swelled all up and started bleeding for a few days. It wasnt worth the negative effects at all.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95847
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Aug 21, 2016Views: 2,387
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Pharms - Propylhexedrine (389) : Post Trip Problems (8), First Times (2), School (35)

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