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Sloth of the Dissociative Kingdom
Citation:   Ketamine Ice Cream. "Sloth of the Dissociative Kingdom: An Experience with 3-MeO-PCP (exp95919)". Jun 10, 2014.

  sublingual 3-MeO-PCP (powder / crystals)
    insufflated 3-MeO-PCP (powder / crystals)
I'm high on 3-MeO-PCP right now. It's like MXE or Ketamine or even a little like DXM but slowed the fuck down. no mania, just relaxation. everything sounds so slow and I'm taking my time.

There's some stomach discomfort, but it's passing. There's some difficulty tracking my eyes. I took my dose sublingually first, then did a little in the nose. It makes my mouth and nose go all pins-and-needles. I can't tell if the music is slow by coincidence or if the trip is making it so. This is a good drug to be on a beach with, chugging a few beers, getting a tan.

I feel like I'm encased in jello.

The guy who sold it to me said it was a manic high. Nothing like that at all. Quite the opposite. It's a slowed down high. Everything is in slow motion. It's still uncannily like the other dissociatives. It's clear-headed, though. It's the sloth of the dissociative kingdom. That's all I really have to say. Nothing too crazy or weird or trippy, just slows you the fuck down.

I was half-expecting a crazy PCP-experience where I jump out a window with my pants off or something. Instead I just feel like a sloth. Sorry this trip report is so short, but there's not much intricacy to 3-MeO-PCP. It comes on slow, it feels slow, it makes you slow, it makes everything seem slow.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95919
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 10, 2014Views: 11,123
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3-MeO-PCP (558) : Alone (16), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2)

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