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Apathetic to All
Citation:   MOLE. "Apathetic to All: An Experience with Phenibut (exp95939)". Feb 12, 2022.

½ - 2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
I have took phenibut on several occasions before tonight. I prefer to use it sparingly as a sleep aid. The times I took it more than a day in a row hangover-like symptoms ensued. The withdrawal symptoms tend to be very manageable depending how long one has been taking phenibut. My own experiences compare to caffeine or tobacco withdrawals, very manageable though annoying.

I weighed out 1 gram and mixed it into a about 1 ounce of water. Phenibut is water soluble and my preferred method of ingestion. However, one should note that it is extremely sour. When mixed into one ounce of water it's easy to shoot past the tongue and limits the lingering sour taste. Water makes an excellent chaser and the sourness is almost not worth noting if ingested properly. I find phenibut to be active for myself at 0.5 grams (noticeable effects) to 2 grams (very strong effects), though admittedly my body has always been more sensitive than others' bodies.

I find that the effects become present within 1-2 hours of ingestion. At the 1-2 hour mark I notice a sense of calm coming on. Though, it is usually very subtle at this point.

Full effects are usually only felt after about 3-4 hours time, as such I prefer to ingest the phenibut 3-4 hours before I wish to fall asleep.
I prefer to ingest the phenibut 3-4 hours before I wish to fall asleep.
At this point I don't really care what I'm doing. I sometimes end up reading random things on the internet instead of sleeping because I lost my own concern for sleep. It truly is 'apathy.' As such, when I desire a good night's rest I will try reading around 2 hours after ingestion. Usually by the 3 hour mark I am sound asleep. Phenibut has always given me restful sleep which is something I cannot say about any other chemical (non-herbal) substance I have tried.

Phenibut generally lasts 12-15 hours for me. This means that if I take a dosage around 20:00 hours, I will feel the effects from 24:00 hours to around 12:00-15:00 hours the next day. This generally means I still have a feeling of apathy in the morning when I wake up. I find that some light cardio exercise helps get it out of my system so I can feel right again the rest of the day.

The feeling is for me very different from alcohol or xanax, so I am confused having read others' reports. For me those drugs are euphoric, whereas pure phenibut is lacking in emotion.

Phenibut gives a strong sense of apathy. It certainly removes all sense of dread, fear, or anxiety; however, I do not see it being all too popular because it lacks the euphoria attached to other substances. I personally do not mix phenibut with any psychoactive substances. Phenibut on its own can mess with my reasoning faculties.

Phenibut is often marketed as a nootropic. Personally I tried to only use it once for studying purposes. As the effects took hold of me I decided I did not care about the work anymore and laid in bed staring and thinking about random things. In other words, it utterly failed for me as a study aid.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95939
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 12, 2022Views: 906
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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