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Male And Female Smoked Together
Citation:   Sunny. "Male And Female Smoked Together: An Experience with Cannabis (exp95966)". Feb 11, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked Tobacco
Cannabis: Male And Female Used Together Is The Real Medicine?

Nowadays we are using half cannabis plant only. The whole plant is the male and the female both together. Myself and four others experienced smokers tried smoking a mixture of male and female flowers.

The plant material was from homegrown Lowryder 2 (sunlight, no chem fertilizer), very well tested before (using only fem) from all us. During growth, female and male were kept separate, so the female was seedless.

The first joints were 50% female and 50% male flowers, mixed with tobacco.
The first joints were 50% female and 50% male flowers, mixed with tobacco.
In other trials we also used less male flowers with similar results.

We found that the overall effects of this combination were 'way more potent', 'deeper', 'very different', 'more complete' 'same effect' of 1 gram (after smoking 0,15 each one), 'more balanced'.

Placebo effect is always a possible explanation, but the effects with this combination were so different and potent, that I think is improbable. I have two explanation for these results.

- Female flower resin has, more or less, sixty different cannabinoids. Perhaps male flowers (which give little effects on their own) contain some complementary cannabinoids (maybe only few?), that are acting in combination with the female ones, giving a powerful synergic action.

-yin/yang; when you use together the opposite/complementaries, you get the full potential effects of the plant.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 95966
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Feb 11, 2020Views: 949
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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