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Mildly Pleasant
Citation:   BlueJediSaberToof. "Mildly Pleasant: An Experience with Catnip (exp95981)". Jun 25, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Catnip (fresh)
Some quick background info: I smoke pot a lot, I've taken Xanax (Alprozolam) twice, oxycodone several times.
My mind-set on Saturday was slightly anxious, but mostly relaxed. I had gotten a promotion in work just the week before and Saturday was to be the first day of it. 

So, around hmm I'd say 10:45 AM on Saturday, I took a very small hit of catnip - very fresh, stuff my dad had been growing for our two wonderful cats - out of my bong. About a minute or two later I felt something very slight, but noticeable; I felt quite comfortable. I stretched a few times, enjoying the feeling of just sitting there. I came down quite fast, but I felt very relaxed afterwards. Then around 11:40 I decided to try one more tiny hit. This hit was more full of perfectly crushed leaves than the last one, but I don't think it made a difference. I'd smoked a few hits of weed in between the two hits of catnip, and I believe the second hit enhanced the weeds' effect on me ever so slightly.

This was my first experience ever with catnip. I'm writing this down real quick before I have to go to work - I'm really looking forward to the time when I'll be able to experiment more fully with this.

The next day I was left - for the most part - alone for an hour or so, so I decided to up the ante just a tad. I packed a bowl about twice the size of yesterday's, and breathed it in deeply.

Whoa. Whoa! Hey. Didn't expect it to pay off that much. For the next five minutes all I can smell is the lovely scent of catnip, all I could taste was that minty freshness of the herb on my tongue. My body felt warm and pleasant, and my mind buzzed as if I'd taken a hit or two of mediocre cannabis. It was very nice, really, even though it was so short-lived.

I think I liked it so much more today not only because of the higher dose, but my kitty Echo was chilling with me when I got the catnip out, and I gave her some just before I took mine, so we were kinda on the same level in some regards. It was nice sitting there with her anyway, not having to do anything to make her happy, just be there.

In conclusion, catnip is a cool herb to use if I'm looking for a bit of a different experience. Everyone's different obviously, so catnip won't be for everyone, but I will certainly be using it more. 

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95981
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2018Views: 2,391
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