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Painful Catheterization
Citation:   Crotch. "Painful Catheterization: An Experience with Heroin (exp95995)". Aug 19, 2020.

1 shot insufflated Heroin
I used heroin occasionally, just a small dose smoked off tinfoil. Just a little to calm my nerves (I have an anxiety disorder) but then I ran into a problem...I couldn't pee. I know this is a common problem, but it was especially bad for me.

This would happen every time, and I would spend sometimes up to four hours sitting on the toilet waiting for the pee to come out. Then one day it didn't. It had been about six hours since my last hit (which was small) and I felt like I was going to explode, so I went to the hospital. That's when things got ugly.

You know when a doctor tells you somethings not going to be painful, what he really means is it's going to hurt a lot. The doctor came up to me, and said with cold dead eyes: “It looks like we're going to have to put a catheter in you. This is going to be extremely painful.” Extremely painful doesn't do it justice. Having a catheter inserted was by far THE MOST painful experience of my entire life. I would happily do any stunt on Jackass rather than have another catheter put in me. I screamed harder than ever before in my life and was not able to talk properly afterward, having damaged my larynx from the screaming. I told the doctors what I had taken and they showed me NO sympathy.
I told the doctors what I had taken and they showed me NO sympathy.
I quit cold turkey that day, went through minor withdrawals (because I wasn't using that much in the first place) and made all my friends who knew about this promise to beat the shit out of me if they ever caught me using again.

The only way I can adequately describe the pain of a catheter is if you poured an entire bottle of Tabasco sauce down your urethra. What really bugged me about all this is I had researched catheter insertion online, and everyone said it's not painful, or that they barely felt it. The internet LIED.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 19, 2020Views: 1,535
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Heroin (27) : Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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