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A Night With the Butterfly Clouds
MDA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   JustDancing. "A Night With the Butterfly Clouds: An Experience with MDA (Ecstasy) (exp96025)". Feb 28, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDA
  T+ 0:45 1 tablet oral MDA
  T+ 5:30 0.5 tablets oral MDA
  T+ 6:00 1 tablet oral MDA
I am writing this report because I am a very experienced user however, I was not prepared for what my dealer sold me on this particular night.

I am a casual user once a week to once a month only to have a nice time and relax. My boyfriend, we will call him S, and I had just gotten off work together early and were very excited. We had purchased four pills earlier that week, tan dragonflies, hoping to find some alone time in which to have a nice night. This night was odd to say the least. Not what we expected. We started at Eleven PM.

T-0:00: We started just dropping one a piece. I swallowed mine and S chewed his. We layed on my bed and watched Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny for awhile.
T-0:45: I start getting impatient and anxiety driven, usually being so light weight I feel the pills within half an hour or so and I ask S if he would like to drop the other one. He agrees and we swallow our second drop.

T-1:30: Realizing that both pills are hitting at the same time and feeling an EXTREME come on. Hard breathing, butterflies, eye wiggles. Turn on some techno and S starts throwing some sick light shows. Tracers are huge, feeling cottonmouth, cant sit still.
T-2:00: I start really feeing the energy and started giving S a light show with my gloves feeling so free and full of life. Smoking cigarettes and spinning them around to see the trails.

T-5:00 After dancing for awhile S called up his buddy to pick up 10 more of the dragon flies because we were having such a good time and we went to pick them up and go up to S's pad since my parents would be awake soon. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] We ride his moped, and let me just say we are lucky to be alive, it was so windy we were like a ragdoll being blown this way and that and it was soooo cold.

T-5:30: We make it to S's pad the sun is going to come up soon we lay on the couch and split another dragonfly and start bumping some music. My eye wiggles are so bad I cannot read anything on my playlist or the numbers on my phone. My mouth is chattering and I am grinding my teeth to death.
T:6:00: Me and S end up taking another whole pill each and are tripping nuts. I don't remember most of what I said to him but apparently I called him 'mom' and I was misunderstanding everything he was saying. I had no idea what I was or what was going on, he said I looked like I was in 'a completely different dimension'. I do remember hallucinating the dog jumping at me and I kept thinking S's brother was home and we had to be quiet.

T:6:30: I now fully realize what I have done to my body. I step into the morning air outside and I look up at the clouds while I light my cigarette. The clouds of a storm are coming in and the sun is rising but behind them. I watch the wisps of air drift off the clouds and form purple and pink butterflies, beautiful butterflies which then start to fly away. I cried out in excitement and astonishment and pulled out my phone trying to take pictures of the gorgeous amazing sights I was seeing. Wherever I looked, the clouds would break and turn to butterflies! 'S!! Do you see the butterflies? Look up!' I was shaking S I was so amazed, 'I see them! I do!' S said and we stood there in complete awe. Then I took in not just the edges of the clouds but the whole storm coming at me and the whole cloud had the embodiment of a fish skeleton. I gasped and looked at it as its mouth moved open and closed for me. 'Baby I am tripping so hard. How many did G say we were supposed to take?' I asked S dragging the cigarette. 'He said to just do one...' S said and I just looked at each other our pupils so big.

T:10:00: After laying on a futon and smoking for hours trying to come down S drives me home before he has to go work a double. We have gotten no sleep whatsoever. We get home, I feel terrible. Like my brain just got smashed. I pass out before S even leaves.
T:13:00 It is time for me to go to my job and I wake up with the biggest migraine of my life. My pupils are still huge, I'm still tripping. I call my boss tell her I'm sick so she says just come for half of it. So I got back to sleep.
T:19:00 I wake up from a six hour sleep hoping, praying, to feel better. Pupils still huge. Head still hurts. Can't eat a thing. I go to work. Everyone can tell I did something. 'You are really trippin aren't you?' 'Honey you're pale.' 'Are you sure your ok?'
I was working the drive through and talking to customers, Jesus I am an amazing actress. I worked three hours of the four I was supposed to and had to get sent early, I was going to pass out from the heat.

The comedown was soooo hard. It took two whole days for me to eat again and I cannot stress enough to not drive while on any kind of narcotic, I am lucky to be alive after this, and although it was an amazing experience, it wasn't worth the comedown.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 96025
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 28, 2017Views: 1,772
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MDA (34) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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