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Very Tranquil
Citation:   Xenia. "Very Tranquil: An Experience with Periwinkle (exp96135)". Mar 25, 2018.

2 bowls smoked Periwinkle
I was exited to try this once I found that they had reported psychotropic effects. I loaded my pipe and lit it up and held for a good 40 seconds (being on the swim team comes in handy for smoking) and released at first there has a quick shift in my vision but left quickly so I decided to try another bowl same thing nothing much disappointed I when back in side but to my surprise a sudden heavy wave of tranquility went over me and had a nice strong scene of euphoria but sadly no visuals but music was very detailed. A weird blood rushing sensation to my forehead was sum what unpleasant. The next day in the middle of class the tranquil feeling came back but much stronger this time it lasted through out the rest of the day

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 96135
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2018Views: 1,807
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Periwinkle (351) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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