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Have Credit Card, Will Trip
Codeine Phosphate
Citation:   Jaded. "Have Credit Card, Will Trip: An Experience with Codeine Phosphate (exp9620)". Sep 25, 2001.

  oral Cocaine (pill / tablet)
I was looking for a reliable source of downers to come down from coke on. While searching, i found an online pharmacy that doesn't sell REALLY good stuff (like Oxy), but it does carry Codeine Phosphate ... WITHOUT Acetaminophen ... less than $1 a pill. Whee! I don't have to process it.

It gives me a nice mellow buzz, no paranoia like weed does, no loss of motor control like alcohol. The first time was a work night, so I only took one 50-mg pill, since I wasn't sure how it would affect me. It took about 30 minutes to hit, and it was light - kind of like how (legal) Demoral made me feel after surgery ... a little relaxed and happy, and very slightly buzzed.

Have to take more to get a real trip going, but only do that on weekends, 'cause you'll lose all motivation to accomplish anything. Still, it's a great buzz, and since I don't have to bother trying to extract the Acetaminophen, I'm going to keep trippin.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9620
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 25, 2001Views: 24,506
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Codeine (14) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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