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After a Week of Use
Citation:   Rockchester. "After a Week of Use: An Experience with Aniracetam (exp96211)". May 28, 2019.

500 mg oral DMAE (daily)
  1.5 g oral Aniracetam (daily)
  250 g oral Vitamins - Choline (daily)
Aniracetam Experiences After a Week of Use

I'm taking Aniracetam twice per day, each pill 750mg each. I also take 500mg of DMAE along with 250mg of Choline/Inositol. I'm finding a definite, unmistakable difference in verbal fluency, calmness when talking to people, and marked decrease in social anxiety.

I also feel slightly more energetic and possibly in a better mood. These last two not as obvious and marked as the former and may be just a placebo effect.

As for cognitive performance, I can't say I've noticed much difference. I was taking the DMAE and Choline/Inositol before, and haven't noticed much difference for the one week I have been taking Aniracetam. Maybe I'll have to wait longer for any cognitive performance increase.

Summary: Great for social anxiety and verbal fluency. Less obvious effects for energy and mood. Not much effect yet for cognitive performance.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96211
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: May 28, 2019Views: 2,436
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