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It Usually Works or Has Not Much Effect
by CS
Citation:   CS. "It Usually Works or Has Not Much Effect: An Experience with Theanine (exp96235)". Sep 7, 2019.

200 - 1200 mg oral Theanine (powder / crystals)
Various Experiences With Spirit of Camellia

I bought some pure theanine from a reputable online retailer a few months back. One of the tidbits on dosing I read somewhere is 'take upon the first signs of stress' this is a pretty good guideline (if taking for stress anxiety). Oh about me I'm 30 with a long history of cannibis abuse (since quit going on 2 years) along with alcohol and experience with a good cross section of various drugs.

Theanine can, depending on the dosage produce VERY subtle borderline placebo effects to definate relaxing euphoric anxiolytic effects. Here are some doses and effects I noticed YMMV.

200mg this is the dose on the supplement label. The why the hell not/first sign of stress dose. Sometimes works sometimes not. By works I mean anxiolytic/calming alpha wave inducing.

300mg the new '200' I think as a first dose of the day this works better and isn't much more.

500mg approaching mild benzo level (to me) of anxiolytic effect without much sedation.

For me the effect can vary quite a bit depending on level of physical activity, food (empty stomach or not), and the classic set and setting. This is very much the sort of thing where I can take as much as I want and go out and do or not do as I choose. Like it can function as something to take after done with work or to help me at work or both, on a regular basis (no cycling) without much tolerance. This substance is something that I find to be rather versitile and good socially.

I've taken up to 1200mg in a 3hr period (200mg at a time) with no real bad side effects. I was happily feeling really good energetic for a few hours. On a few ocasions I've taken some and had some slight stress anxiety as a result. This being when I was not already feeling stress.
I've taken some and had some slight stress anxiety as a result. This being when I was not already feeling stress.
Which I think is important as when I'm stressed and take some it usually works or has not much effect.

Onset is usually 30min to an hour. I can take 200mg and if I'm not calmifyed in half an hour I take another 200mg no problem. I would describe theanine as having an effect on seretonin, dopamine, and gaba, cholinergic and glutamate effecting as well.

I forgot to mention the synergy of caffiene and theanine. It cuts down on the negative aspects of caffiene. About 1mg to 1mg ratio caff to theanine. Or 1caff 2thea is good to stack. Or I just take theanine.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96235
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 7, 2019Views: 3,041
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Theanine (413) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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