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Synergy with Sacred Cacti
Cacti - T. peruvianus & Selegeline
Citation:   Esteban. "Synergy with Sacred Cacti: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus & Selegeline (exp96267)". Jul 14, 2015.

T+ 0:00
5 mg oral Pharms - Selegeline  
  T+ 0:30 5 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (extract)
Normally I would not submit these kind of reports but there is little information available about combining these two substances. Most of the info obtainable with search engines is just professional opinion or theory.

I was turned on to selegeline from reading about its anti- depressive and anti-aging properties so I ordered a month supply from on online pharm to give it try. Selegeline is a selective irreversible MAO B inhibitor in low doses. At high doses it loses its selectivity and also inhibits MAO A. A selective dose is considered to be 10mg/daily or less.

I began taking 5mg/daily of Selegeline. I noticed within a few days an increased mood and drive to get things done. One of the things I suddenly had a drive to do was more research. Shortly into my expanded research on Selegeline I stumbled upon threads of combining it with phenylethylamine (PEA) to produce a euphoric rush. I had tried PEA on its own before and didn’t really feel anything but nonetheless I still had some so thought I would give it a try.

I had 750 mg PEA caps but to stay safe I wanted a dose much less so emptied the capsule and weighed out 300mg. I took it 20 minutes after my daily 5mg of Selegeline. Long story short it blew me away. The feeling was as good as the first few times I tried MDMA but lasts only about 30 minutes to an hour. Best legal high by far. While feeling this great rush I began to wonder if I could use this to potentiate Peruvian Torch cactus. PT cactus contains the psychedelic phenylethylamine Mescaline. I figure since Mescaline is just slightly different chemically from straight phenylethylamine (PEA) it might have the same potentiating effect.

Later that day I ordered some cactus powder and a few days later it arrived in the mail. The cactus is horrible on the digestive system so an extraction of the alkaloids is necessary if it is going to be an enjoyable experience (not throwing up). I performed a simple iso extraction of the cactus alkaloids and a week later was ready to go.

30 minutes after taking 5mg of Selegine I took 5 grams of alkaloids (equivalent to 30 grams of dried cactus powder), enough for a baseline experience without the Selegeline.

It took a long time to really kick in. About 2 to 3 hours. Once it did though it was a breakthrough experience. The euphoria was the best I have felt yet. A bit better than even a high dose of MDMA. I could just close my eyes and disappear into other universes for what would seem like hours but would really be just a few minutes when I would open my eyes and come back. Music while in this state is simply the best thing I have ever felt in life. It had a little bit of light drunkenness to it as well but this is normal with cactus. The experience lasted several hours before I could detect a comedown. It was so good I decided another 5mg Selegiline and 3 grams of cactus extract would be perfect to extend it out. A few hours later I was right back into other universes. This lasted the whole night and finally got a few hours sleep early in the morning. The next day felt like I was rolling on a low to moderate dose of MDMA but the visuals were gone.

What seems to have happened is the visual effects of the Mescaline were slightly potentiated but the euphoric effects were greatly potentiated on the level of 5 to 10 times.

This worked for me and was probably the most enlightening chemical experience I have yet had. Use caution with this combo though as it is recommended against by the mainstream medical literature and credible reports are few and far between. DO YOUR REASEARCH about what you are getting into. I did this with a VERY low dose of Selegeline and it potentiated the euphoric part of the trip 5 to 10 fold. BE CAREFULL I DONT WANT ANYONE OUT THERE DYING TYRING TO RECREATE OR EXCEED MY EXPERIENCE.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96267
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jul 14, 2015Views: 4,367
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69), Pharms - Selegeline (228) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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