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The Perfect Mood
Citation:   Curious. "The Perfect Mood: An Experience with Pregabalin (exp96309)". Jun 2, 2012.

600 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (daily)
I first tried Lyrica after finding an old bottle at my house in 2011. At that point I'd had pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulders for ten years - even after trying many channels (doctors, MRIs, chiropractors). After researching this medicine a little, I decided I'd see if it helped my pain. Previously the only medicine I found any relief in using was Lortabs, which dulled the pain but didn't take the uncomfortable stiffness away.

The bottle had 90 capsules at 50 mg each. Even though I knew you were supposed to ease into taking this medicine, I knew I didn't have enough pills to make it to taking a normal dose every day. So I just began taking two 50 mgs two or three times a day. The relief I found was amazing! Previously one fo the non-medicinal treatments was popping my neck and back constantly (minimal relief was found with applying heat or exercise, especially since the stiffness and pain made exercise unbearable).

At the aforementioned dose, I mostly just noticed a reduction in pain and stiffness. I still popped my neck and back but the effect was 300% better. Sometimes I noticed a little slight reduction in fine motor skills. The only other side effect was increased difficulty—but definitely not inability—to orgasm.

Several months later, I finally found a doctor who I thought might help. I described my symptoms to him and told him Lyrica helped a lot. He said it made sense for me to take this medicine if it helped, and even though he was unable to find a reason for the pain and stiffness he prescribed me Lyrica.

For one month I took 200 mg twice a day. The first few weeks I became acclimated to the medicine and found my symptoms were reduced by 80% or so. I was ecstatic that I had finally found something that helped me. I also noticed that it was a “social lubricant” as others have called it. I am a shy, introverted person and Lyrica has definitely helped me be more social and assertive. I also noticed a few others side effects (in additional to all the ones I have already mentioned). While the dose of 200 mg was in effect I experienced slight muscle twitches/spasms and decreased fine motor skills (basically making me a little clumsy).

Then I began to notice that the doses effects only lasted about four hours. I would take one dose at 7AM, and by the time I took my second dose at 1PM the first dose had completely worn off and I was in pain again. The same thing happened with the second dose—by 5PM I could tell the medicine had worn off and I was in pain the rest of the night.

So then I began taking a third dose of 200 mg every day and noticed that dosing schedule covered the entire day. As a result of doing this I ran out of my first filled prescription too early, and I was left without any pills for about four days until I could refill again.

A couple of weeks later, I called my doctor and asked him to increase the dose, and he did. Now I’m happily taking 200 mg three times a day.

However, so far I have only described Lyrica for its intended use. I discovered it had some recreational uses as well. I took four 100 mg capsules and drank two beers one night, and I was pleasantly surprised at its effect. It was similar to being a little tipsy, but not as “sloshy.” At this higher dose I have also found that it’s difficult to see thing close up with both eyes – it’s easier to cover on eye and look with the other. Perhaps this is because my eyes feel slightly asymmetrical and had difficultly synchronizing. However, I was very socially “lubricated” and finally enjoyed a night with the company of other people, free from my social anxiety. The benefits definitely outweighed the side effects.

In summary, I found this medicine to be effective at significantly reducing my undiagnosed neck and shoulder muscle pain/stiffness at my prescribed dose. Higher doses result in sort of drunkness; loss of motor control, trouble concentrating, etc. (but no nasty stomach pain, vomiting, or hangovers!). This medicine seems to increase the effects of alcohol as well, making a night at the bar much less expensive (given that your insurance covers this mediciation). I highly recommend this medicine if you have similar symptoms!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96309
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 2, 2012Views: 41,441
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), General (1)

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