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Seemed Like Hours of Torment
by W
Citation:   W. "Seemed Like Hours of Torment: An Experience with Ketamine (exp96388)". Jul 29, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   oral Ketamine
  T+ 0:20   insufflated Ketamine
BODY WEIGHT: 11.5 st
A Word of Caution

I pride myself on being logical in my thinking, but undoubtedly this was not my smartest move.

It all started as I arrived at a friends house to smoke a little weed and chill out, and I didnt intend on taking anything else. After several bong rips and a joint we (Me, The owner of the house who I will call 'A', his girlfriend, 'K' and a mutual friend of ours 'S') went outside to sit on a hill overlooking the traintracks on what had turned out to be a beautiful day when S turned to us and asked if we wanted to help him get rid of some Ket, we all agreed.

I decided that I didn't want to snort it, so I made myself a bomb using a risla and some clever folding, which I swiftly ingested (I really shouldn't have let my friend S decide on how much to give me as he was used to heavily cut Ket and therefore his method was 'hero doses', and the others simply racked up a few lines for themselves.

After a while of sitting in the sun and waiting for what seemed like an hour, in reality only 10-20 mins. I decided I needed more as it hadn't hit me hard enough (looking back I realise that it was slowly working its magic in my mind already
looking back I realise that it was slowly working its magic in my mind already
, as it seemed I was seeing everything in extremely high definition). So we all shared out some more and doubled our previous doses. And snorted out respective lines.

After a few seconds I felt the sickly sweet taste of the dropback hitting me, and everything seemed so much more intense, but in a good way. We all decided to stand up, I stood up first and looked down at the others. I felt so tall, and I was looking down at my friends and the grass, watching everything phase through colours whilst the outlines became fuzzy and warm.

Then the bomb fully hit me after a few seconds, it all seemed so intense and surreal I decided to sit down in the sun and enjoy the feeling of warmth that came with it, I lowered my head and closed my eyes, and experienced extremely intense Closed eye visuals, I would see myself sat down but my head was repeated a million times over and seemed to go on forever. I quickly opened my eyes, looked at the grass and closed my eyes again, but when I closed my eyes the outline of the grass remained, although it looked like an electric outline in a negative image. It was all swiftly becoming too much.

I looked to my friends and clearly stated 'I dont like this Guys, I'm freaking out a bit'

A turned and replied 'That bomb just hit you as well didnt it?'

S said at the same time 'Oh shit, He's about to hit the k-hole'

With this, I felt the urge to vomit rising, I tried to resist as I felt I couldnt move, my arms and legs had suddenly become disconnected from my body. But I had to move, I dragged myself to the side and lent forwards, and I started to retch, It was horrible, it seemed to last minutes at a time, and I couldnt catch my breath.

The others had moved away, not wishing to see me in that state, but it just kept on getting worse, I had to suck the phlegm from my nose to breath, but when I did, some ket that had escaped the drip fell back and hit me. Everything lost all meaning, I felt like I had nearly died, I somehow managed to lay back down and tried to shut down the trip and bring myself back to reality, it seemed to help. But I had the insistent urge to just shut down completely, but breathing began to slow and eventually stopped.

'This is it' I thought. 'this is how it all ends, this is the day that I died'
Luckily the urge to vomit rose again, and it spurred me back into reality. I felt slightly stronger and better than before. I sat back up, vomited again and began to breathe.

After a few more minutes and after throwing up the remainder of my stomach (Luckily I hadnt eaten a big meal so far that day, so it didnt last too long) I felt the ket start to release me, and that all was right with the world again.

I laid back down, putting myself in the recovery position, and started building my strength up so I could stand, so I could go on to live another day.
I laid back down, putting myself in the recovery position, and started building my strength up so I could stand, so I could go on to live another day.

After what seemed like hours of torment, 'K' returned with a bottle of water, and asked how I felt.

'Better, but I'm still tripping, I dont know if any of this is happening or not, am I still alive?'

She gave me the water and said 'yea you are, you scared all of us then'

A little while longer, and I felt I could stand again. It had passed, I had survived, but I felt broken, as if some part of me had died or was lost in a tumbling sea of incoherent thoughts and emotions.

It has been 2 days since that happened when I wrote this, and I still feel strangely disconnected.

Let this serve as a warning to all who want to try it, be careful of your dosage, and enjoy the trip.

[Reported Dose: "1/4 to 1/2 of a gram of K"]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 29, 2018Views: 1,156
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Ketamine (31) : Overdose (29), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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