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Set & Setting Failure
Mushrooms & Etizolam
Citation:   mrwilson. "Set & Setting Failure: An Experience with Mushrooms & Etizolam (exp96408)". Dec 1, 2012.

T+ 0:00
1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 1:25 1 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 2:40 0.5 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 2:50     Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 3:00     Cannabis  
Greetings, This report is written on the 9th of June 2012 said experience took place on the 3rd of June 2012.

I'll try to keep this report to the point but forgive any ramblings.

I've had my share of experiences with drugs since the age of 16, starting with marijuana and alcohol then moving to everything under the sun (MDMA, LSD, Psilocybin, Meth, Cocaine, Kratom, 5-meo-dalt, DMT, many opioids and a few of the 2c-x family) Being 22 years old with a full-time 3rd shift (12:00am - 8:00am) job not does not allow for to much nowadays but just to give an idea of previous experiences. Now to begin.

It's 1:00pm on a beautiful Sunday afternoon when a friend we'll call A (18 years old) comes to my house as planned the previous day. After making a call we agree on splitting an 8th of mushrooms and driving about 30 minutes out of town to the mountains. After 1 hour of getting things together (mushrooms, water, snacks, blanket to relax on, and other misc things) we stop by a CVS for a pack of smokes and before beginning the drive (a 30 minute drive) we each ingest 1.75 grams of mushrooms with orange juice.

T+0:00 I have an Empty stomuch while A had ate before coming over. Discussing various ideas about work and life I feel relatively comfortable and content with our plan and we're both enjoying the drive and views of the mountains.

T+0:15 Half way to our destination I notice a slight enhancement of colors and A reports nothing yet. (I'm thinking to myself that I'm feeling this sooner then planned.)

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

T+0:25 I'm experiencing a numb sensation to my lower jaw as well as very slight chills and a new feeling in my legs. Colors are now very vivid and I'm thinking we need to find a spot soon for this is coming on very strong.

A side note. Our plan was a trip alone in the wilderness, well the amount of people we saw on our way up made us decide to drive up a little more in hope of finding less people. This was unplanned.

T+0:35 We had driven further in hope of finding less people at which point I had began to fully experience the mushrooms. I pull over a decide here is where we stay due to my rapidly declining headspace. A still reports nothing as we get out and walk down a small hill to a stream with maybe 12 other people spread out about it.

T+0:45 In the time it took to walk down and cross the stream I went from a slight + to +++. My world was spinning, thoughts racing, colors were intense to the point of confusion and I'm quickly regretting not eating before hand. While A still reports nothing I'm losing it by the minute. (This is much more then I expected.)

T+0:55 I had about 2 minutes to convey my situation to A before I was flung into insanity. My mind was no longer mine. The planet had taken on its own life, every tree, rock, bush, bug, everything was alive and talking to me. I couldn't think of anything other then getting what was in my stomach out and proceed to purge in hopes of regaining some control.

T+1:00 I threw up for 5 minutes and being to feel slightly better. While throwing up I experienced a rapid changing of day to night over and over again while throwing up colors and the earth moving to my heaves. A asks if I'm ok to which I reply 'Houston we have a problem'

T+1:10 Having regained a glimmer of control and realizing I left my smokes in the car we decided to go back and try to figure out our next move. The trip crossing the stream and getting up the hill were much easier then the first time. I'm still +++ but I feel somewhat in control and less outlandish then previously.

T+1:20 Back at my car A reports slight changes though given his stomach contents this was expected. I smoke a cig in hopes that it'll bring me back to reality being something familiar. We sit for 10 minutes and we decide to drive up more to find some where less crowded. NOTE: NEVER DRIVE WHILE INFLUENCED BY A PSYCHOACTIVE. What I did not only endangered Myself and A but also everyone else on the road at the time.

T+1:25 My driving was slow and methodical though waves of mushrooms soon made any further progression up the mountain impossible. I pull off the road in a small pull out area and tell A we need to get off this mountain as I am at a +++ and cannot drive and soon he'll be unable to as well. We decided A would drive down the mountain or to the point where he felt he was no longer able to drive and at this time I take 1 mg of etizolam.

T+1:30 A is now driving and I'm the passenger. I'm regretting our current situation and am all but convinced we are going to A) crash B) get pulled over C) die. These thoughts race though my head and I become quite scared and anxious. A is trying to talk to me but I cannot handle any more stimuli and ask him to stop. My eyes were closed from this point on until further stated.

T+?? My eyes are closed and the thoughts of what can go wrong have been racing over and over again through my head and suddenly I hear? Feel? I'm not sure what happened but I accepted what ever may happen and am able to enjoy this bad situation. (In hind sight this was most likely the etizolam taking effect.)

T+?? A ask how I feel and I can only smile and reply please drive carefully and I am fine. With the window down and the sun hitting my eyelids between trees I'm in complete bliss. The wind is amazing and my mind in vacant and my body feels ever expanding and contracting according to A driving and sun or shade on my eyelids.

Sidenote: A and I had agreed to always be 100% honest about our ability to drive in any situation. This was one of them.

T+2:00 I open my eye, we are almost down the mountain and I'm now enjoying myself completely. Getting back to society and knowing my house (safe and very comforting) was within reach A tells me he's feeling the effects VERY strongly and can almost no longer drive. We have maybe 5 minutes until we hit regular streets and A says that's as far as he'll make it before he's done.

T+2:05 We are down the hill and A pulls over. I'm still ++ coming in waves while A is quickly climbing. I feel comfortable in this state being I've been here before and we sit for 10 minuets while I smoke a cig and A relaxes. A can no longer drive and I feel confident I can make it the 10 minutes to my house (via freeway). SIDENOTE: AGAIN DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED IS EXTREMELY STUPID AND ENDANGERS NOT ONLY YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS BUT EVERYONE ELSE! DON'T DO IT!

T+2:20-2:35 I'm driving well relative to my situation though I chain smoked the entire way home while A also smoked a few cigs (VERY VERY VERY RARE). I'm still ++ and A reports ++ and growing, minus this we didn't talk for the drive home.

T+2:40 WE'RE HOME!! We gather what we need from the car and head to my room to enjoy what we can. (Should I say I can, A was in for his own experience once we got home.) I'm sitting in front of my computer while A lays on my bed. I take 0.5 mg etizolam and save the other half.

T+2:50 A and I converse about what transpired and I have a beer while reading Erowid reports. I'm a ++ feeling the etizolam takes away some of the more psychoactive effects while the body load increases to a floating and dissociative feeling with mild breathing of wall and slight color enhancement. Music is amazing and I talk to my brother M who is going to get some grade-A marijuana.

T+3:00 A says he feels sick and wants to sleep, to which I reply 'you're feeling the mushrooms do their thing, try to relax and breath'. I'm feeling more etizolam and less shrooms at this point while A is beginning to (as I learn have his first mushroom trip) trip. M gets back and a bowl of marijuana is passed around.

T+3:10 A feels increasingly worse and soon throws up into a bucket. His state rapidly declines and he feels he may have OD'd, I reassure him he did not though in his state he does not believe this. Soon after he tries to dial 911 which I talk him out of and he lays down after taking 1/2mg etizolam with half a beer.

T+3:55 I'm on the computer playing random music, mostly ambient dub to relax A. He sits up and looks at me in complete awe. He's a ++ and being able to communicate tell me he's never felt any of this before. (He told me he's taken shrooms before but apparently never tripped.) Along with dissolving into my mattress and evolving from a single atom into the universe he was taken aback to say the least.

T+4:00 A and I have another beer and pass a bowl around and relax in this world of dissociation with a slight psychedelic overtone and discuss various topic having to do with this life, universe, the world, drugs...your 'normal' discussions after experiencing such an event.

From this time on A and I come down slowly and the etizolam+alcohol effects take over.

This could of been a train wreck. The interaction of etizolam I feel greatly reduced the effects and duration of the mushrooms which was a god send in our case. Being written a week after the experience I tried to cover the major parts but as always words are useless to describe what was actually felt.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96408
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Dec 1, 2012Views: 19,836
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Mushrooms (39), Etizolam (568) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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