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Side Effect Hell
Methylone & Various
Citation:   ShakyLady. "Side Effect Hell: An Experience with Methylone & Various (exp96512)". Jul 7, 2016.

      Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists
I took various 'research chemicals' over the 2011 year. All was great in the beginning. Good fun. The methylone would make want to either lay down and listen to great music, explore the outdoors while holding hands with a love one, or make passionate love for hours. the DALT made me trip balls and was overall unpleasant for someone who isn't into that. The JWH was like weed. The various numbers after it would be like well different types of weed. All of these chemicals were generally mixed with weed.

I had fun while taking them. Slowly I started to develop petit mal seizures. The kind where you just black out and stare off into space.

I eventually quit the drugs as I started going into a deep depression whenever I didn't have them. Especially the methylone (that stuff is addictive).

Fast forward to January of this year. I have been off the stuff for about 2 months. I start having full on grand mal seizures. Out of no where. The only connection being these drugs can cause seizures. I have teeth grinding still which is relieved with Klonopin which is pretty addictive too. I can no longer drive my car, or do many things in public. I lost my job over having seizures at work and being a danger in the job place. These things fucked my life up. I know my side effects are rare, but I'm not the only one. My neurologist has 5 other patients like me, and I live in a small town. Be careful.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 96512
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 7, 2016Views: 2,931
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Methylone (255), Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists (484) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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