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Never Again
Citation:   Ryan420. "Never Again: An Experience with 6-APB (exp96536)". Jun 21, 2012.

100 mg oral 6-APB (pill / tablet)
Being an experienced drug-user I decided to try a new substance called 6-apb. I read report after report with good and bad divided pretty much equally. some felt it was the closest thing to MDMA others said they didnt feel anything. I love MDMA so decided to give it a shot. I ordered two 50mg tablets from a respectable vender online. Various reports seemed to say 100mg was a good dose, and so I thought, being experianced would help me along with this new drug. How wrong I was.

I recived my package late afternoon, around 4, and decided to go ahead and take both at once. I hadn't had any good X in such a long time I was excited and a little nervous.I took one at a time and chewed them both and swallowed. Bitter and nasty they were, but nothing that bad. I went to go have a cig while I waited.

About 30min. later I noticed the usual effects starting to happen. Heart beating faster, cold feeling, apprehension. I smiled thinking this was going to great. Wave after intense wave rushed through my body building greater and greater to an intensity I didn't think I could handle. My body was shivering yet sweating. I felt really really fucked up. but not in a good way. 0 euphoria, 0 empathy, all this fuzzy, dizzy, puky feeling in my head and body. I was so fucked up I couldn't even walk. Pleasant waves ran thru me but another feeling was quickly overtaking it. Nausea. Intense horrible nausea.

I rushed into the bathroom and projectile vomited around 12 times or so. My head was buzzing and my body was sweating, pouring sweat, yet I was shaking and feeling extremely cold. A headache began to devolop and I was vomiting constantly. I was getting so hot and dehydrated but everytime I took even the smallest drink, i would throw it back up again. I looked at the clock and saw only 2 hours had gone by. I was miserable. I felt like i had the flu and then a horrible migraine developed. I layed in bed for 12 hours shaking moaning and in pain. Everytime I changed positions in bed I would throw up. It was awful. Horrible. One of the worst experiences in my life. I should've taken only one at first. Be careful and do your research first. Peace.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jun 21, 2012Views: 13,130
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6-APB (516) : Bad Trips (6), Unknown Context (20)

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