Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Didn't Break Through
DMT, LSD, Trazodone & Quetiapine
Citation:   Chrissy. "Didn't Break Through: An Experience with DMT, LSD, Trazodone & Quetiapine (exp96574)". Apr 11, 2018.

    Pharms - Trazodone (daily)
      Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
    smoked DMT  
I am on psyche meds, so, firstly, I must stress that I do not encourage people on psyche meds to do psychedelics. DMT, however, has crossed my path twice in my life. Both times, I turned it down because I felt I was not emotionally ready for it and also, because I was on LSD.

I decided to try it, though, because I was in an ideal place with very safe people, and this is rare for me. I was reassured that the LSD would not cause a problem, and was with someone very experienced in DMT and trustworthy. I've also read that DMT 'finds you' you don't go looking for it.

I had been depressed and anxious due to valium withdrawal for three years, and felt that I needed to be in a psychedelic headspace to sort out some problems that my limited psyche could not sort out, that had been blighting my life. I felt in need of some 'realisations'. The substances 'showed' me that it really wasn't worth spending so much energy thinking about destructive people who had hurt me badly in the past.

The DMT reminded me, as previous physically uncomfortable psychedelic experiences had, that I needed to be more comfortable in my own body and personal space than I was. Uncomfortable psychedelic experiences were always valuable for me, because they each came with a 'lesson' I badly needed to learn.

Although the DMT-experienced person held the pipe for me, and directed me as to what to do, and I tried to 'go with' the experience, my consciousness stayed in the same egoic, aware mode, and I had an unpleasant physical feeling that made me panic and feel claustrophobic. I don't think I had enough DMT though, or the pharm meds may have blocked it, and this was why I did not 'break though'. I did get full on open and closed eye patterning which was nice.

I am also on antipsychotics and anti-depressants and I think that they may have interfered a bit with the DMT and the LSD because I did not get as affected by the LSD as my friends who also took it.

WARNING Although I had a non traumatic experience overall, I urge extreme caution and consideration to people prescribed pharmaceutical medication.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96574
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Apr 11, 2018Views: 1,093
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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