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Noticing a Change in My Thoughts and Motivation
Citation:   naites. "Noticing a Change in My Thoughts and Motivation: An Experience with Pramiracetam (exp96603)". Nov 3, 2016.

300 mg oral Pramiracetam (powder / crystals)

I've tried pramiracetam before using pill dosage. I found the effects to be very beneficial for study and test preparation/performance. The dosage I was utilizing were 300 mg pills until I later found out about bulk powder where I went from spending $3.89/gram to $1.20/gram for purchase. I've noticed most online sellers purchase bulk pramiracetam in kgs and then capsulize a portion or sell in packages ranging from 10 to 100 grams. Anyhow, that's how this stuff is distributed over the internet; I could not find any in stores in my area. Also, I have found that almost all encapsulated products in health food stores are cut. I purchase my products online because of these poor business practices and since the shipping cost is miniscule to the amount of money I could be losing to 'microcristalline silicon dioxide'.


I am using Pramiracetam as a nootropic to see if it will help with my study habits and efficiency/productiveness at work. I have not taken any other racetam besides pramiracetam because it is the latest generation of racetam and has the longest halflife of the racetams (from what I have read).

One of the most important things I know when taking pramiracetam is to take plenty of choline before I take pramiracetam because it will prevent/reduce headaches: I down an egg in a glass with some basil sprinkled on top (not advised).

If I take/ingest too much choline I can get some really bad gas or diahrrea. Also, this drug is only useful if I have something important or necessary that needs to be done.


This is done is by time, to give an idea how fast the effects are. I ate a waffle breakfast with syrup around 9am.

For bulk pramiracetam at 12:15 pm, starting dosage:

Not going to lie, taking this stuff by mouth is nasty - it tastes like catpiss smells.

12:18 pm: The catpiss smell taste has gone away, there is an aftertaste which is comparable to letting some asperin dissolve in my mouth, not too pleasant.

12:21 pm: Most of the after taste has gone away, I have been swallowing sporadically since I've taken it in order to transfer most of the residue down my throat.

12:25 pm: I'm noticing a slight change in bloodflow to the left hemisphere of my brain.

12:28 pm: I'm feeling some right hemisphere brain activity/bloodflow changes.

12:34 pm: So now I think it's fully in my bloodstream. I have greater bloodflow to my brain and I am thinking 'clearly'. I don't feel super different but I do notice a change in my thoughts and motivation to work on things that are tasking to the brain like studying or writing emails to my boss, etc.

12:51 pm: Slight head throbbing in my left hemisphere. Maybe I need to down an egg because eggs in my waffles this morning were degraded by heat.

1:08 pm: Had 1 egg and some basil scrambled. No head aches or throbbing since 12:51 pm.

1:25 pm: Okay, the choline in the egg and basil really helps. I am really on top of things and emailing my boss a task sheet to be approved.

1:50 pm: I have been on this for a little over an hour and a half. I think it's well in my system. I have increased bloodflow throughout my body and I am doing some good work.

3:45 pm: I still feel some after effects but it has gradually declined. I think it is almost over but it is smoothing out so much that I do not really feel the need to take any more.


I make gel caps of pramiracetam so I can take one or two a day while at work or for exam preparations. I find that I do not need to take a whole lot (300 - 600 mgs / day) because I work so thoroughly while on it that I develop a healthy exhaustion that lets me sleep easily at night. I cycle this stuff by taking it only when I need it (e.g. during the work/school week) and letting my brain veg on a few of my off days. I do not have much long term information, I have only taken about 10 g over a 2-3 month period.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96603
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 3, 2016Views: 6,215
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Pramiracetam (599) : Workplace (51), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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