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Things Seemed More Alive...
Citation:   hopped_on_goofballs. "Things Seemed More Alive...: An Experience with 5-MeO-DIPT (exp9669)". Apr 15, 2002.

5.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
Foxy certainly is a curious beast. One time I dosed 20mg while I was fairly drunk already, and that was not a pleasant experience at all. It only added disorientation to the drunkeness, plus a bit of a body load at that. Not good at all.

However, the second time was the charm as I chose to experiment on the low-dose characteristics that some entries in the TIKAL imply is the prefered way to take this drug.

Dosage: approx. 5mg (Foxy dissolved in an alcohol based solution) at 9:00PM, on a overcast night with a few drops of rain here and there. I was already feeling spiritual and relaxed for the day...

9:05PM: I set out for a walk around my neighborhood. Already, I'm noticing some slight effects. Things were just more *noticeable*. I didn't see any tracers or anything. Things just felt more vibrant.

9:30PM: As I walk around the block, the wind definitely feels nice on the skin. The street lights vibrate with energy, and I seem to hear the distant roar of cars from the highway much more clearly. It feels good to get up and move, to enjoy the night sky. I feel every raindrop that splashes against my skin... it just *feels* right. I feel connected with the earth, just walking... spiritually happy and free. No visuals, really... just a heightened sense of awareness, and definitely some audio expansion... but it felt nice.

Things seem more alive. No trails, no big audio hallucinations, no brain introspection or anything. But you feel connected, you feel vibrant...

10:00PM: I arrive back at my apartment. Of all things my skin feels a little tingly and good to touch - a characteristic like MDMA, perhaps, only this tingle is of a much different quality.

10:15PM: I begin composing on the keyboards. I notice that I'm starting to come down. Here the audio hallucinations are not as pronounced, except that I'm noticing little details in the sounds that weren't there before.

11:00PM: My girlfriend unfortunately was away this weekend. No matter. Received a call on the phone and chatted for the next 45 minutes. Talking was quite a bit easier, I seemed to flow from topic to topic. I'm a little shy, so this effect was certainly benefitial. Even phone sex was great... it felt good just to touch yourself... let alone (I'm sure) another person...

12:30PM: A slight headache begins to form. No matter, the effects are dead except for a slight tryptamine high. As a precaution, I take a Tylenol PM, along with a couple melatonin pills. Sleep came easy after that.


Wow. Foxy may not be a visual drug at this level in the sense that LSD would be, but it has a place, a place I like, and it's vaulted up into one of my new favorite drugs. Certainly not trippy for me, nor good for extended thought. But this is the first tryptamine that so far I consider a good *social* drug, with the 'connectedneess' being a new feeling I haven't had on other tryptamines. I'm curious to try it out in concerts and other such things soon, and determine whether my previous mood had anything to do with it.

Many will think Foxy rather bites I'm sure. The body load for me is too heavy at visual doses. The effects at low doses are rather subtle compared to other drugs. But as of now the short duration, heavy eroticism or 'connected' feeling, and increased sociability make it one of my new favorite drugs. It is subtle, which will mean that many will not care for the effects. But to me, its subtleness only makes it better.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 15, 2002Views: 9,006
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Various (28), General (1)

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