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Peaking with an Officer
LSD & Ketamine
Citation:   Kurly. "Peaking with an Officer: An Experience with LSD & Ketamine (exp96750)". Dec 20, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 few lines inhaled Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30 few lines inhaled Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   joints/cigs inhaled Cannabis (plant material)
So we went to Somewhere to get some K, I wasn't planning on having anything but then my friend said he had some Acid available so I thought fuck it, I'm having one of those, then I figured out hmm why not have a bit of K along with it and see how it goes, phwoar was I in for a night. That whole day was a bit iffy, I felt lost all day for some reason and I had no sense of time, I didn't feel like it was part of my reality. Not even sure why but I was pretty contempt at the same time.

I am sorry I couldn't write many timings down, I just cannot remember the times as time didn't phase me and I didn't feel attached to anything electronic if anything I felt like it wasn't made for me to interact with or come near, far too alien for my liking.

Me, A and B went and got the tab and I ingested the tab at around 9:40 ish, we proceeded to my house where we lined up a few lines of K had them and played some COD, whilst playing COD it was like the game put a pause on the drugs and we just focused on the game, however I started of amazing, thanks to the K (we call it Ketboxing) and then ended up completely shit and got pissed at the game and just kinda threw the pad and stopped playing.

Not even 40 minutes later and we experienced mass euphoria, giggling our tits of, however I didn't feel like I had any visuals yet and thought it was the K kicking in intensely, however I looked at my ceiling to see whether I was tripping yet(it's got some mad floral patterns all over it) and the ceiling I shit you not was becoming 3D all the patterns started to come out in a pulsating sense as if it was a butterfly coming out of a cocoon it was amazing, and I thought to myself, fuck yes it's going to be a good night!

Then I realized my parents were gonna be coming back soon, 2 hours or so had already passed and it was coming up to 12 o'clock. I didn't actually believe it was nearly 12 already and we spent some time being mind blown at it. By this time I started peaking pretty damn crazy, we lined up a few more lines of K. The feeling I got was intense, it was like I was experiencing spacetime freeze. Time didn't seem to be actually part of anything anymore and my perception of the world was just slow motion.
Time didn't seem to be actually part of anything anymore and my perception of the world was just slow motion.
No matter where I looked, I would have a trail following the previous items I was looking at, everything also had a background, hmmm, imagine every item being filmed separately with no background behind it and then all these items got overlapped and made into a film, every object had its own life, conscious, it's own aura, everything was simply... Perfect, I never knew I could see perfection in this world, but low and behold I'm stood in my bedroom and witnessed it.

We lined up some more K and had them and got our shit together and left the house and all we could do was just giggle away at everything and nothing and the stupid things we were talking about. We knew our friend C was awake as he'd called us and asked us whether we'd be coming round before we set of, so once we left the house we started going to his, I have no real memory of the walk there, I can see myself walking to his but I can't remember seeing anything, I know for a fact we all felt euphoric and senselessness, carelessness, and I don't know about the other two but I had no ego, it was like I was one with the world, almost part of it. Well I remember leaving mind and kinda being at his instantly, it felt like the walk was nothing as if we fast forwarded the walk to his. Once we got to his we found out he had an xbox, some reason I'd packed all my xbox stuff with me and we played xbox for a bit after it was set up.

I stood in the corner of the room and the guys had some more k with C, I dont think I had anymore at this point, by this time I was peaking like insanity, yet I don't feel like I hit the actual peak yet, like the pinnacle of the mixture. So as I was stood there I was just looking at the guys and they all looked so surreal to me, this was the first time I'd done LSD on my own without anyone else being on it, and everyone looked so, so cartoony almost, everything I said, Saw, Felt all was like alien to me, everything around me became extremely Alien to me as if I'd not known what they were or anything, I didn't feel worried or scared in the slightest but more appreciative that I could see everything in it's natural state like it was all unveiling to me
I didn't feel worried or scared in the slightest but more appreciative that I could see everything in it's natural state like it was all unveiling to me
, well as I stood there I was just giggling to myself looking at everyone being so un-real to me, so vividly, and then I slightly angled my head down to look at the TV on the floor where the guys were playing xbox and they set up a match of zombies on COD and I said quite loudly-ish, 'Are you mad playing zombies on K?! Fuck playing zombies on K' (I've actually been scared to play the game alone, only recently have I been able to play it alone hahaa) and then my eyes darted up for some reason and I saw that with the place I was stood in, everyone having their own conversation (total of 4 people in the room) two were stood on the right side of the room and two were playing xbox on the left on the floor and because of my hat it made it seem like they were part of my head like literally coming out of my head.

We'd just finished a spliff like 2 minutes before, and there was a knock on the door, I was the closest to it and looked at C and was like should I open it? What if it's D? (this guy who lives in the same house that we absolutely hate) So I was cautious about opening the door, (I'd still not hit the ultimate pinnacle of my trip, the point of no return kinda pinnacle) Low and behold I open the door, I look outside, I look at my mate and say there's a police officer outside [hold on wait wtf!!! THERES A COPPER OUTSIDE! I screamed in my head but the guys could see from my expression that I shouted it to them through our minds] he just walked in, remember we'd just finished a spliff, there were grinders, scales, and a bag of k on the table somewhere around the room. He just walked in and said.

Police: Where is he? (Proper Assertive voice) ( He looked soo surreal to us, but to me he looked like a caricature that just did not stay still, with this I mean he kept shape shifting, his colour would constantly change)

Me: Who? (Fullon Tripping at this point, it was like his knock on the door made the pinnacle point hit me the hardest a drug ever hit me, it was like the drugs knew what was about to happen and caused a major chaos attack, but it was superly blissful)

Police: WHERE IS HE?

Me: Whoooo? (Slightly leaning in now, asking like a child, silly and inquisitive)

Police: Kieran!

Me: Well this is not my conversation!

And I took refuge on the bed against the wall and took it all in, that there was actually a copper in the room, C knew the K was on the table and the police officer saw the built in warddrobe and asked in a proper scary voice.

By this time I was peaking unimaginably hard and the time was going by soooo slow that I felt like I could dance on every word he said, pick it out, analyze it and full on understand what he was saying, if it wasn't for this time slowmo I think I would have fucked it up for all of us. I wasn't quite in the room, I didn't fully understand the intensity of the consequences yet and I thought I was just tripping so hard that he was part of it and that Acid and K had shown me this could possibly happen, now this is what you do kinda thing if it ever was gonna happen in real life.

Police: Whats in there? (He seemed scared asking the question as if he was expecting the kid to be in there dead or some shit)

We all went it's just a wardrobe it's empty, and he walked to it quickly opened in up, but before he did C Stood infront of the K that was on the side next to the wardrobe, all I could think of at that point, right he's not found the kid he's gonna notice EVERYTHING ELSE, and was like fuck, I can't go to prison tripping my balls of!

It seemed like an eternity before he told us why he was actually there, once he did and we cleared that up, of why he was there, he was like,

Police: It smells of cannabis here, you guys have any?
Police: It smells of cannabis here, you guys have any?

We all were like no we don't have any.

The fucking copper looked around the room and saw the grinders and the scales, we were like shit, he threatened us with the fact he could just turn us over and lock us up for the night, probably even longer for the shit we had there, (it's so much more then I can say online)

We were all like fuck, none of us knew what to say, we had a bag of K floating around the room, another g in our possession, I was on Acid, A, B, C on K and E on weed and he had some on him to, he radio'd in what he just saw and asked the dispatch whether he should turn us in or not, and they replied with what were guessing no we got bigger things on our mind, then the officer saw what the wall had on them and it was all mathematical and scientific equations on them and realised we ain't a bad bunch of kids and was like well because there is a bigger case going on and you guys seem like a smart bunch of kids and asked us what we wanted to be, I said accountant and my friend is a med student and he was like well if you guys got caught here you could forget those dreams as with any type of criminal record we were facing we could forget our future dreams, and we were all like fuck me, this is serious shit this, well he told us to go Amsterdam and just get wrecked there but not do it here because it's not worth our future blah blah blah.

He said well because I've done you guys a favour, will you do me one by...

And we all pretty much burst out with saying yes man, anything we find out you'll be the first to know, thanked him and so he left, once he was fully gone, me and A and B burst out laughing so much it sounded like crying but out of joy because we just got away, whilst on drugs, peaking to the intensity that I thought I wasn't my head anymore, we just laughed soo much until tears came down our face and we couldn't breathe anymore, and even then we carried on. I felt like I just survived a war!

Later on I found out that he was only there for a period of 10-15 minutes, which just absolutely fucked my head up because I thought he was there for hours and hours and hours on end.

We got all our shit together, hid loads of shit as well and set of out on a mission as we didn't feel safe enough to be in that room anymore until later on. At this time it was only just gone 1 am I think, so I was still going pretty strong on the drugs and when we went outside everything was just flipping, dancing, visuals were everywhere, it was like I stepped out into a world of happiness where all was bliss.

I was just walking along nicely with the guys and still talking about what had just happened and how lucky we all were and we just couldn't believe it.

We ended up at the lake and sat on of the islands and as I was sat there I looked across the lake to the buildings across it, I put some music on and all the buildings started dancing to the music, it was so magical. It was truly an amazing night, even though we nearly got caught, we all were the luckiest bastards in the world at that moment in time. To have gotten away with all that! I was still tripping however because there was only a lake and some buildings in front of me it was all I could play with. The K had long gone left my system as the copper was there,

I still feel pissed at him for taking my peak, even though I do think he added a huge dose of intensity to the trip and there is still a fraction that seems to be missing out of my mind when the officer was there, I think that's where I hit the utmost pinnacle of my trip, the point beyond no return. The point of not knowing anything, of pure bliss, it's strange thinking about it now actually, that I reached ultimate bliss and beyond with an officer who was considering arresting us.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96750
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 20, 2019Views: 823
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LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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