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Mellow Brownies
Citation:   Jostie. "Mellow Brownies: An Experience with Cannabis (exp97128)". Nov 19, 2020.

0.25 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Last night I made special brownies. I came across this brownie mix in the supermarket and was inspired. As I live in the Netherlands I could after leaving the supermarket walk to the coffeeshop around the corner and select a couple of grams of superskunk. The last time I used any weed was over 5 years ago. By that time I had been a fulltime stoner for over 8 years and had started to develop some negative mental issues (i.e. depression, anti-social behavior and anxiety). The years after that have been filled with in consecutive order lots of MDMA, mushrooms, LSD, some research chemicals and now back to mushrooms (which I grow myself). Due to my previous experience with cannabis I actually felt more apprehensive about taking some than I do before testing a new batch of mushrooms.

The recipe:
Got a pack of brownie mix on the condition that I need to add the butter or oil myself. Brownies are perfect because the instructions ask for 160C but 140C will work as well. Also the intense chocolate flavor will mask the sometimes unpleasant cannabis flavor.

I placed a metal colander in a pot of boiling water, so the water came halfway up. I then placed a soup bowl in the hot water so only the lower half was submerged. In the bowl goes the amount of butter I need. 50 grams in this case. As the butter melts I crumble in the marihuana, keeping the water boiling and letting the butter absorb the weed for about half an hour. I pour the mix in a bowl, add the water and mix thoroughly. Then pour in the cannabis mixture and mix that in as well. Then pour the dough into the supplied carton baking tin and place it in the preheated oven. As I put the temperature a little lower I let it sit in the over for 10 extra minutes. When it’s done I take it out and use a spoon to flatten the top. This helps get nice compact brownies. After it cooled I cut the brownie in eight regular pieces bringing the total amount of weed in each brownie to 0,25 gram.

The experience:
Ate the brownie at about half past ten in the evening on an empty stomach. It tasted great! About an hour later my eyes felt watery and my mouth became dry. My whole body felt relaxed and heavy. I was sitting behind my computer browsing some forums but constantly caught myself just staring out at the wall. There was nothing overwhelming about the experience except the intense hunger I developed about two hours in. Every ten minutes I had to pause the movie I was watching to go snack hunting in the kitchen. The movie was actually pretty lame but I did not really care. My body felt wonderful fuzzy and heavy. Eating cannabis is definitely more physical than smoking it. I listened to music for about an hour and went to bed. Fell asleep after half an hour. During the experience there was no anxiety whatsoever. Mentally there wasn’t a lot going on. Just a pleasant numbness. A pleasant numbing and increase in appetite.

I awoke 6 hours later feeling immensely stoned. Spent another two and a half hours just rolling around in bed until my girlfriend came to wake me up. Pulled her into bed (carefully as she is 4 months pregnant) and we made love. After I took a shower and ate an enormous breakfast. Typing the report now feeling great. Will do this again and maybe next time use more weed because I am trying to keep in shape and eating lots of brownies will not help with that.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97128
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Nov 19, 2020Views: 2,430
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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