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Stimulating Psychedelic or Just a Cure
Aniracetam & Lisdexamfetamine
Citation:   decilios. "Stimulating Psychedelic or Just a Cure: An Experience with Aniracetam & Lisdexamfetamine (exp97136)". Mar 5, 2020.

40 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine (daily)
  1500 mg oral Aniracetam (daily)
I was just diagnosed with ADHD-I and prescribed 40mg of Vyvanse in a matter of weeks beginning this summer. For those who are not aware of ADHD Inattentive type, imagine an internal monologue with yourself commenting on literally everything that grabs attention. It's like a 5-year old was given crack and a megaphone jumping around in my head. It's impossible to ever truely be immersed into any activity, and social situations are general fuckups.

The 40mg Vyvanse helped for a few weeks and still helps me get out of bed and ready to work, but my mind still wanders more times than not. I began reading about nootropics, which led to my discovery of Aniracetam, which is currently being investigated as a treatment option for ADHD. And this shit was legal to buy off the internet. A godsend!

So I bought away and sure enough several days later a tube of white powder sat on my kitchen counter. I measured out 750mg and dissolved it into olive oil (necessary due to its fat-solubility). This is generally all contained in a tablespoon. Imagine stereotypical children's cough syrup scene. Chase it down with some milk and I'm on my way.

I have been dosing twice daily for the past several weeks and the effects are phenomenal. At first, it seemed unreal. Edges were crisper, sound didn't agitate my ear drums, the world became more simple and inviting. I felt like a little legoman wandering around in a little legocity with that painted on dopey smile.
I felt like a little legoman wandering around in a little legocity with that painted on dopey smile.
The effects of Aniracetam were completely mentally stimulating. I was able to absorb more into my brain and make more connections. That 5-year old crack child was suddenly getting the attention it deserved. My mind began to quiet.

The first movie I saw on Aniracetam was the final Dark Knight flick the day after the horrible shooting. As I sat in the cushy movie seat, I locked my eyes intently on the screen and determined myself to focus. The front of my head began to tingle and my eyes widened as I fell deeper and deeper into the plot line, miles deeper than any movie had taken me before. The amount of stimulation that I was getting out of the movie was nearly euphoric and I smiled that goofy lego smile the entire ride through.

One evening, after a quick dose and off to a family gathering, I experienced such pronounced effects that borderlined psychedelic. The build up of Aniracetam is exponential. The more I use it, the more intense the effects become. I had hit a threshold that for the first time became too much to handle.

I sat with my grandpa, uncle, two cousins, and brother talking about philosophy and the meaning of our surroundings. My brother was trying to build momentum over naive show-stopping paradoxes such as the double-slit observation phenomenon, so is matter fated? and far too much bullshit that I really did not care to get involved in. My grandpa and I began talking about sailing. It was the first time that I was able to truly connect with my grandfather. My ADHD, social anxiety, and slight depression had always inhibited me. But through personal exercises and Aniracetam, I had made strides that finally allowed me to enjoy the present.

As we talked, I swept into a state of complete bliss. Like a beetle, or something of much simpler consciousness, I found my mind completely void of thought. There was nothing. Pure emptiness. My interactions were confident and hence required no second thought, but at the same time, nothing was making noise in my head. The 5-year old was fast asleep.

In an almost panic state, I began to look for something to drink. This unfamiliar feeling was overwhelming and extremely foreign to the point of distress. I was able to calm myself through the massive intake of ice water and 'casual' heavy breathing, but not without a lesson learned.

Since then, I have yet to experience such drastic and life altering effects. The mind-soothing effects of Aniracetam blow Vyvanse out of the water in terms of therapeutic value. I still rely on Vyvanse for the willpower to get the engine going. Aniracetam is the coal to sustain.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 5, 2020Views: 1,801
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Aniracetam (286) : Various (28), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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