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Wisdom Truth
Ketamine, Unknown & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Average Joe. "Wisdom Truth: An Experience with Ketamine, Unknown & Nitrous Oxide (exp97268)". Nov 28, 2016.

  inhaled Oxygen
    inhaled Nitrous Oxide
    IV Ketamine
    IV Unknown
Today I went to have my wisdom teeth extracted. I was told I would need to breathe oxygen through my nose and was hooked up to a blood pressure machine. As I was breathing through my my nose the surgeon came in and said I need to see your arm. She grabbed my arm strapped a turnicate around it. I was briefly scared. She told me to relax and injected me with ? and some other sleeping medicine.

Almost immediately my heart rate slowed and the surgeon became worried. She whispered to her assistant there's a few cc's of Ketamine in that vial. I smiled immediately because I knew I would be getting my first taste of special K. I felt the hands of the assitant on my head and she massaged my head and shoulders and I felt something pump through my viens. Thirsty seconds later everything became to become brighter the massage became much more pleasurable the pictures on the wall became mixed and mild hallucinations set in.

I then remember becoming extremely talkative as I am usually reserved around strangers. I asked one of the nurses if she was an anesthesiologist and informed her my uncle was one. I can only imagine what I said I can not remember. I then faded into nothingness and woke up I was very disorientated and was led to a recovery room where the nurses chatted with me as I nodded in an out for about 30 mins. I then got in the car with my mother and was talking to the point of annoyance. Over all it was a good expieriance

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97268
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 28, 2016Views: 2,466
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Ketamine (31), Unknown (120), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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